Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 193,800,643 Issue: 715 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y18
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Pant Devils Pants

The Pant Devil steals back what is his.

Also by sage254

by sophieauditore

It's So Cutie!

Don't let appearances fool you.

by saudadesdagripe
Detective Alisha: Special Guest Part 1

Two heads are better than one.

Also by xale22

by roxanna203

Eclectic Antics: The True Ghoul Catchers

Even the Ghoul Catchers outsource their work.

by amarettoball

On top of Terror Mountain...

by twillieblossom
The NT's Best Secret -- Until Today!

Country music and Aishas -- 100% guaranteed to tip the scale in your favor!

Also by minnesotan

by certifiabletrash

#LDN - Plan

The plan unfolds...

by gorubeza
Random Oddness

Moral of the story - don't trust strangers.

by mistyqee
Evil-opia: Names

It's hard to stand out.

by mucka33
Ink: Full Circle

Then we'll find a way to tell your story.

by june_scarlet
NeoPaper: Symol Logic

Who writes the rules, anyway?

by mbredboy31
Mysteries of the Kadoatery

Feepits aren't as innocent as they seem

Also by bha288

by mandypandy667

Haggling with Kauvara

Kauvara really doesn't need much persuading

by waternymph12
What Ever Happened to Galem Darkhand? - Part 1

The mystery of the Ice Caves plot . . .

Also by iciclefaerie05

by chai7705

Lame Pun: Jelly Wor-

Where is everyone?

by blackaavar

Bunch of tomatoes = Infinite tomatoes!

by chemoi
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"Proving the Existence of Jelly World" by greenj12356
In a building down a dark alley in Neopia Central, a group of pets got together to discuss an idea that many would not be able to voice in public. “Now, I’m not saying it is true right away,” Started their self-proclaimed leader, a Jelly Kau named Jeandra, “But suppose that Jelly World does actually exist.” There were some gasps from the group, but most of them nodded their heads. They were all Jelly pets after all. Believing that more items, and even whole lands could also be made out of Jelly was not so farfetched to them. “All throughout history we have heard of pet’s hushed whisperings of a world made of Jelly. But all of these pets have been quickly silenced, or labeled as insane. Darigan still holds a prisoner in his dungeons that goes on about Jelly World, but that isn’t the only pet to speak of this land. In my research quite a few pets wound up at Meepit Oaks Sanitorium for even trying to gather together like we are now, and discuss this rationally.” “But why?” a Grarrl in the crowd questioned. “It seems to me that if this land does exist, there should be an effort made to find it. Why would someone go to such lengths to hide its existence from the rest of Neopia?” The group of the Jelly pets listening nodded their agreement.

Other Stories


The Newcomer
When I, a Yellow Vandagyre, moved from the mountains of Shenkuu to Neopia Central, I was not sure what to expect, but I knew that there was a big surprise for me in store. Like the rest of my known friends that were heading out, I wanted to explore the world and make a difference in some way after decades of isolation.

by lupe_hunter_7


Agent 42
Jacob flicked the switch on the coal-sorter and waited on baited breath. This would be the one, surely. The Christmas Kacheek had spent far too many hours on the device for it to backfire again. Slowly one steam-powered rotor began to turn and moved the coal from one pile into its internal furnace. It worked just as planned: a breakthrough, in his eyes.

by opossumman


As the Wheels Turn
Have you ever wondered what exactly it is that powers the wheels of Neopia? For example, where does the Wheel of Excitement get all those Neopoints? How do the wheels get the power to inflict illnesses? And most important of all, what is it that keeps the Wheel of Monotony spinning for so long?

by fhn_ladybug


Tour De Neopia: Mystery Edition
Neopia is a world filled with many wonders! But with many wonders comes many mysteries, and Neopia is no exception. With there being so many lands, each with their own set of mysteries, I’ll be looking into one of the most well known mystery for each land and see what I can discover about them. There will be answers, intrigue, twists, and certainly more questions created.

by pikachu315111


Duplicity: Part Six
The drawbridge itself could hold half a palace. Spiky vines cracked through the edges of the moat below, slithering through patches of shrubbery. Sunlight glittered off the golden borders of the turrets.

by likelife96


Bottled Faeries Inc.: Part Three
I had never found the dark scary as a young child. I had never trembled in bed at night, conjuring up imaginary monsters that purportedly lurked beneath my bed, behind my dresser, and inside my closet. But after the Kougra thrust my bottle into the depths of his backpack, I felt a jolt of fear unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

by vanessa1357924680

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