Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 194,767,701 Issue: 710 | 11th day of Celebrating, Y17
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Ink: As Black as Ink - Part 9

Yes. Both Shadows.

by june_scarlet
Janet and Jane: Questions

Asking all the right questions to all the wrong Neopets. :D

by chasing_stars44
Anniversary - Part 11

Bad, Tomos. It's back to Kleptomaniacs Anonymous with you.

by caylista
Thoughts of a Neopian #3

You may not be the only one preparing...

by mike11695
Daily Busters

It's time for school! Of course it'll be fun.

by tokyoghoulmaster
NeoPaper: Bored, Bored, Bored!

What on Neopia could possibly relieve our boredom?

by mbredboy31
A Day at the Puddle

New colours can be tough.

Also by Sunlula

by xxxfenice_neraxxx

Not Compatible

Mutants dont have very good luck when it comes to clothing!

by claudi_34
A Meewoo Party - Part 1

Don't you know to never upset a meepit?

Idea by kadfisch

by evilone712_27

Pound Chat Antics #001

How the Pound Chat really is!

by linkinpark_lovergirl

It's like a whole new Neopet.

Also by sophieauditore

by aethelar

Another Weird Thing About Water Pets

But it works so well!

by dirigibleplums
Celebrity Fashion Trade: Villain Edition

Things get interesting when Kanrik, the Werelupe King and the Gelert Assassin trade outfits!

by theschizophrenicpunk
Elephante Surprise... Party?

Avatar collecting is a journey that never ends.

Also by tizzlestix

by msjanny

Pteri Ptroubles

I guess that's why I signed that waiver...

by pirate_11
Chihiro versus Neopia #1


by notquitesanitary
(IN)SANE - New Look

Being able to fly away? No fair!

by rocksockgirl95
Adventure Again?

Don't you dare press that button!

by _clement_
Slipping Through

Being a guard ain't easy.

Idea by: coolnish_azn101

by hikariyugi_yamiatemu

Eclectic Antics: the Gift Thief, Part I

Our heroes and villains are introduced...

by amarettoball
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"Recruitment Day" by the_pie_love
My father always had high hopes for me. From the day I was born, from the day he gave me my name, I was entrusted with tremendous expectations. And Father always tells me, “I’m just trying to give you all of the things my parents could never give to me.” He was Zachary Wentworth, the smiling face on the logo of Wentworth Plushies Inc. And so, I've never felt like my identity was mine to choose. I've always felt that the name that my father chose for me set in stone who I was destined to become: Hunter Wentworth. At age five, Father enlisted the help of Jaf--a foreboding and very grumpy old Lupe--to train me in hand to hand combat. My heart was in archery, but my father stifled my love of archery in favor of continuing my battle training. Jaf would try uselessly to teach me about all manner of blocks, defensive stances and weak points, but to no avail. I just couldn't do it--I couldn't handle the idea of fighting another Neopet. It was just too cruel. But my father was a stern krawk; he had Jaf train me for nine years. Then, on a fateful day in Year 15--just weeks after my fourteenth birthday--my father shuttled me off to to heart of Sakhmet, to the royal palace. It was the fifteenth of The Month of Running. Recruitment day.

Other Stories


Tis The Season
Heather was a frustrated writer. She was shot down twelve times by the Neopian Times, each with saying they had to many good stories this week, or her story wasn't quite what they were looking for. She smiled bitterly down at three pages with messy scrawl. Why couldn't they just tell her the truth? She was an awful writer.

by indigo_sky_22


Supply and Demand
I had no idea rocks were so expensive and was near crushed (pun intended) to find out.

by vanillafilth


It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
It’s Christmas in Neopia and you can feel the excitement in the air. Shops are stocking seasonal goodies, pets are bundling up in their finest seasonal wear, and people are excitedly visiting the advent calendar. It truly is Christmas in Neopia.

by katehoughtonbeckett


What Wintery Petpet Should You Get For Your Neopet?
There are plenty of fun things to do all month such as shopping or having snowball fights with your friends. This is also the perfect opportunity to go and buy your pets a wintery petpet, so that they have someone to have fun with during the holidays.

by milestrong


Duplicity: Part One
Jeran sat slumped over the throne. Before him, Meridellians and Darigans commemorated the fifth year of peace since the war, a peace that would last a thousand years. They spoke and danced under azure faerie light, alongside the finest music Meridell had to offer. Odors of baked goods, exotic fruits, and well-done meats saturated the air.

by likelife96


Neoquest II: The Forgotten Heroine: Part Two
Terror Mountain had always been a pretty short stage, but it was even shorter in this game. Doctor wasn’t that bad, and Eirika was still getting those sick pauses. Arthur had spent most of his points on getting Doctor group healing and shielding, and hadn’t spent any on the anti-sickness thing.

by rider_galbatorix

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