Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 193,626,794 Issue: 703 | 16th day of Collecting, Y17
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Blossoms~ Retry Part 13

Twillie would have never gone after Jonathon without Zathandria's encouragement.

by twillieblossom
Trouble in Paradise: Introductions

We're actually still locked in that closet. Could you please let us out?

by chasing_stars44
Foolproof Guide to the Typing Terror Avatar

We are not liable for any resulting legal issues.

Also by darkroast

by msjanny

New Paint Job

What does he even want that one million NP jug for...?

by amarettoball
Scroll Of The Wise: Part 3

Unintentional Intelligence

by fourin
Weewoo Woes

What's in a name?

by pirate_11
Half-Baked Potato

Erozo discovers the secret use of Lag-B-Gone Serum.

Also by blonde_and_lovin_it2.

by tizzlestix

Apple Bobbing Blunder

You're suddenly struck by a strange, uncomfortable feeling.

by unnamedgraves
Writing Can be Hard...


by pinochle
The Zaf Girls

So mature.

by thesovietivan
Super Attack Peas Like Customisation Too!

Who says they can only wear that cape?

by mustikeuh121
Questing with Edna

She's gotta look stylish to do her spells, ok?

by milkbear
Ink: As Black as Ink - Part 2

There's been a lot of missing petpets lately.

by june_scarlet
The Monocerous Roars

Woo, that was a close call.

by icanhaskaila
Horsing Around

Trylei is the REAL beauty queen here.

by _koolness_
Anniversary - Part 4

And then I told him I was sorry, but he still insists on banishing me from my own kingdom.

by caylista
Thoughts of a Neopian #2

The mystery of Fyora's eyes revealed!

by mike11695
A Spooky Halloween: Part 2

Sure beats those tiny saws.

by ghostkomorichu
A Charitable Absurdity


Art by lucifael

by iluminescent

Too Late for the Charity Corner

But... I checked both corners!

Also by tarake_7_7_7

by stephsie

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"Adventures in Lutari Island" by dunefurandlilypelt
Alyssa the Camouflage Uni stared out the window of the Neohome she lived in with her siblings. She longed to be outside, exploring the jungle like she always loved to do. That day, her mom was in Altador celebrating her cousins' birthdays, so Alyssa's oldest brother was in charge. The Uni was the youngest of her family, but she was also the sneakiest and most resourceful one. Grinning, Alyssa silently slid open her window. She dotted down a quick note that read, "Gone adventuring. I'll try to be back for dinner!", and flew out the window. She closed the window, took a deep breath, and smiled. Alyssa loved nature. And despite the rampant storms all around Lutari Island, where she lived, there was never a gloomy day. Alyssa figured she'd better head into the jungle soon or else Adam, her oldest brother, would catch her and send her into her room again. "Where to go today?" Alyssa whispered. She knew the land like the back of her hooves; she even had several hand-made maps of the island. "Ooh! I know, I'll go to the feather pools," she decided, and started to fly south. It took quite a while to get there, and Alyssa had to take quite a few stops, but finally she reached one of the most pristine places on the whole island: the feather pools.

Other Stories


I'm Going To Make Things Right
I stood in the doorway of my safety deposit box. Clutter filled every inch, items ranging from old Neggs to 500,000 Neopoint scrolls saved from my earlier years. My Neopets stood silently in the doorway, taking in the mess. “AAAA-CHOO!”

by jrayeb3


700 Weewoos
"Maybe letting out 700 Weewoos wasn't such a good idea." I said, trying to make it sound like it was no big deal.

by sparkleeze


The 100% Serious, Completely Factual, Not Satirical Guide!
Are you tired of watching all of your friends’ show of their cool dung? Are sad that you are not fast enough to grab that dung in the Money Tree? Are you too poor to buy dung off other lucky dung owners? If so, this 100% serious, completely factual, guide is right for you!

by rube_226


The Problems of Protesting Weewoos
There’s discontent brewing within the generally peaceful Weewoo community. The Coalition for Embitterment, a Weewoo-run group based in Krawk Island, organized public protests after filing a petition against the Neopian Times early last week.

Also by sasaki_kyomi

by agentm005


A Queen's Ascension - Justice: Part Four
King Frezon I stood in front of the crowd of Neopets at the bottom of the great steps for the second time this week, with a much more different announcement. It was a stiflingly hot day and he was still getting used to the intense heat in Sakhmet. Khamtef was much further eastwards, heading towards the sea, and often had a cool breeze in the air to help with the temperature. Sakhmet was a different story. But no matter. This had to be done.

by dudeiloled


Meegla and Fargon's Not-So-Intergalactic Adventures: Part Two
By the time the ship touched down, Meegla and Fargon were exhausted. Fargon just wanted to crawl into bed and not move for the next... Well. However many hours Meegla would let him sleep before she came up with their next big scheme. Not that he minded being woken up early for schemes! He was having way more fun now than he'd ever had before he met Meegla.

by hybatsu

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