Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 193,350,746 Issue: 685 | 12th day of Relaxing, Y17
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I Wish That I Could Be Like the Cool Kids

Mr. Quiggle tries to fit in.

by toffeedatepudding
Trouble in Paradise: Colors

Neopia is turning grey.

by chasing_stars44
Aisha Soup: Welcome, Aaiyi!

Adorableness is the key to mind control.

by the_shii
The Hungry Aisha (Part 3)

The journey for food continues.

Also by pixeljoy

by sugarycupcakes

Detective Alisha: Sparky is Missing! Part 3

What in the Freaky Factory is going on?

by roxanna203
Altador Cup IX - Memorable Moments Part II

Part 2 of 2

by caileanmalfoy
The Aftermath of Warf Rescue Team

Arf arf

Idea by button04_nice

by pandacat838



by milkbear
Changing Species


by mikomon
Price of Justice

Justice doesn't always pay.

by lockord
Color Fail #3

Fire plus ice does not always equal water

by sppyder2
Yooyuball Troubles

Those pesky Darigan Yooyus...

Also by Princessdiva7737

by mandypandy667

The Lonely Tomato Chia

It's a lonely life.

by chunky_sushi
Petpet Problems: Seasons

Abominable Snowballs are not for year long use.

by khakio_21
Altador Cup - Robot Yooyus

Dumb robot Yooyus...

Also by bankrupting

by fhujmasterofhedgehog

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While The NT Was Gone

While the Neopian Times had a break in circulation these past few months, Neopians everywhere were left feeling slightly out of touch with their fellow players. Some turned to idleness and despair, while others (notably, the co-authors of this article) tried to fill the void in their artistic lives by pursuing other avenues of expression.

Other Stories


The Secret to It Is...
It’s tough, being the new guy. Even if I’ve been on the team for eight years

by skutterbotched


Super Secret Club: Nightmare Cousins
It takes them a moment to realise that there is no shout of excitement as they make their entrance, or the sound of tiny feet on the path, racing out to meet them. Something must be very wrong.

by xpninja


A Quiz to Help you Choose the Right Petpet!
Hopefully after taking my quiz your neopet will finally be content with its new appropriate petpet and allow you to spend your neopoints on other things.

by facetiousmind


Five Make-It-Yourself Recipes for Summer
When it’s so hot that you’d rather stay inside than go out to eat, try these refreshing treats with your Neopets!

by josephinefarine


The Scientist's Apprentice: Part Eleven
"Now that we are all gathered here," Sir Hartwick announced grandly, holding his hands out as if he were on stage, "it is time for you, Sir Rickshaw, to tell me the ingredients for the time travel spell."

by vanessa1357924680


The Fire Within: Part Three
The Font was what they called the largest of the settlements in the Moltaran Caverns.

by herdygerdy

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