Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 192,927,879 Issue: 670 | 21st day of Storing, Y16
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Scorchy Slots: Part One

Gambling isn't good, kids!

Also by vincent7577

by msjanny

Only in Neopia

In hindsight, Charlie knew that building a Neohome out of chocolate was a bad idea...

Also by bha288

by mandypandy667

Snowager: Expectation vs. Reality

What do you think you'll get from Snowy?

Idea by saponified

by toffeedatepudding

An Honest Kadoatie

Bring me more food! Now!

Aso by vitorplemes

by saudadesdagripe

The Floating Islanders: Cheat

Every time I try to find this game. Every. Single. Time.

by yankeesrule244444456
Curious Cures #2

You've got Bloaty Feet!

by shakespeareofborg
Taming Melvin the Monster: Hasee Bounce Dilemma


Also by darkpinkrose

by bittersweet52

Results May Vary: Ninja Training

Your puns are not appreciated here.

by return_of_itsy
Fleurbik Gets a New Friend!

But there isn't enough room for the both of them.

by teasheriff
Relic Struggles

Wow! Late Antiquity!

by pancakesatthedisco
Contrast: Not the Brightest

Looks like we'll need a tutor...

by jojomoonless
The Truth About Grave Danger

Your petpet is in grave danger! Bravely searching for that one, hard-fought treasure! Or... have we gotten it all wrong?

by winterdreary
Desperate Times at the Kadoatery

The kadoaties find new ways to get fed.

by industrial
Almost In Luck!

Neefa, the rather ill-tempered baby Buzz, gets a morning surprise...

by jhudora96
Search the Neopian Times


"Magma Treasure" by bengal_kittie
Deep within the sweltering hot caves that branched out from Moltara City, a young, brown and red Xweetok peeked over a rocky ledge peering down at the magma pool. That was it, according to the Lenny she had spoken with back at Faerieland. If she could just manage to make her way into the pool, she would find...

Other Stories


"Just Too Scary"
"Well," he mumbled to himself, "my best bet is probably to start with the Second-Hand Shoppe. Maybe they won't care what colour I'm painted."

by creaturelove5


Miyshabella and the Little Knight
Sometimes, a little courage can go a long way.

by crk524


Public Reaction: Birthday Week
November Y16 marks the fifteenth birthday of Neopets as a whole. To celebrate the occasion, there was an entire week of news dedicated to improving the daily life of the everyday Neopian.

by azienskieth


How to Find the Perfect Usuki
Prom Queen, Nature Lover, Ballerina- so many Usuki choices, so little time!

by celestialguineapig


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part Two
"What do you think we should do? We let the only leads to cracking this thing wide open literally walk away!"

by chasing_stars44


The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part Six
The next morning, I pack my bags and take Flintley's journal in hand. When my search for the farmer yields nothing, I step outside the house and shield my eyes.

by lizzy_beth_750551

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