Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 192,897,787 Issue: 668 | 7th day of Storing, Y16
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Welcome to Brightvale!

A rather unfortunate linguistic gap!

Also by vincent7577

by msjanny

In a Parallel Universe

Let's turn the tables!

Story by dottie27a

by toffeedatepudding

Brightvale U Student Woes: Buying Textbooks

I swear you gotta sell an arm and a leg to get these textbooks!

by kaiodadragon
Inconvenient Timing

How inconvenient...

Idea by christinehmackay

by lastavenger

The Trouble with Roommates

Sharing a room is no picnic.

Also by bha288

by mandypandy667


Why do we even check them every day?

by mikomon
Zaru's School of Tearror- Part 1

Education is scary... especially when your teacher is an evil Kiko.

by gorubeza
Pets Spoiled Rotten!


Art by suchacutie15

by ramotswe

Trouble in Paradise: Giveaway

Aren't Meepits...

by chasing_stars44
Taming Melvin the Monster: Lab Ray Troubles

*ding dong*

Also by darkpinkrose

by bittersweet52

Can I Use Your Shoe?

Friends always find the best way to tell you the truth.

Art by chantili_doce

by tedypicker

The Floating Islanders: Brightvale University

You think that was bad, you should see Roo Island University; they don't even learn anything, just play games!

by yankeesrule244444456
(IN)SANE- Tica

Girls don't like it when you call 'em "Girly."

by rocksockgirl95
Dinner with the Scarlets: Organized

This happens Every. Single. Semester.

by june_scarlet
Lousy Snowager


by zanaryy
New Material?

Musical puns aren't my forte...

by classicmess
Random Oddness - Brightvale University

I've got all my textbooks!

by mistyqee
Wrong Colour

It's tough to be painted sometimes...

by dynamite_factory
Search the Neopian Times


"Sunset in Brightvale" by azienskieth
Tobias opened his mouth to argue, but thought better of it. The Ixi and Grarrl reached their lecture hall, entered, and took their seats. Shortly after, their professor began to speak. "Good afternoon, class," Professor Bartles said in his droning, monotone voice. "I finished reading your papers..."

Other Stories


Returning to Brightvale University
"It's from Brightvale University... I did my graduate studies there," Jacob explained.

by opossumman


Not So Lucky
Ah, fall. The weather grows colder, leaves change color and students scramble to prepare for university life. Brightvale University is by far the most popular choice.

by thedoggirl_97


How to Survive the Brightvale University Dining Hall
Before you pick up those (very heavy) textbooks, there is something you should know: beware the dining hall.

by parody_ham


Brightvale University Required Reading List
A partial list of the books needed for certain majors at BVU. Classes may have different specifications.

by anti_guy


The Necromancer: Part Four
A piece of evidence initially thought to be valueless - a plain gray wool coat, draped over a chair back in Lawson's office - had turned up a hidden gem...

by jokerhahaazzz


Worth Searching For: Part Six
Terra was beginning to wonder if the sun even existed any more.

by cosmicfire918

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