Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 192,783,880 Issue: 662 | 12th day of Gathering, Y16
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The Kadoatery - #2

Although we love the Kadoaties and their silly names, the Kads themselves may feel differently...

by khakio_21
Lost Desert Humor

Sands like a joke to me...

by classicmess
Neopian Starlights

That star is blinking!

Also by kaddisti

by sarah2396

You're The Best!

Something has happened!

by spidgie
Zombies Want Hugs Too!

Poor Zombie feels left out! :P

Idea by hottendott

by nightwish_faerie

Badly Armed - Can't Hold All That NP

Lend me a hand!

Art by trixinadia

by tedypicker

Skeith Shaming

Some Skeiths just don't know how to control their appetite! :/

by saintpotter
The Genie and the Wish

It's real!

Story by megamak

by moon_dance94

I Need Mud And Wood, But Not Stone

Thanks, Prof. Clodbottle, for my new addiction.

by liveintheory
No Ghouls Allowed

Eating is a an extremely dangerous task in a battle household.

by c1fletty

Browse for food while hungry at your own risk!

by the_hoshi_pixi
Grarrl Problems #95: Short Arms


by table
Aisha Hair

And thus we see why zombies don't play volleyball...

by fuzzykit12
The Plan: Part 1

Remind me why we're here?

Also by fallentemplis

by ssjelitegirl

Completely Smart - CHOCOLATE?!

The Annual Chocolate Ball!

by ms_meepit
Sketch Parade

Well, it is called "kiko pop".

by glitt_
Just My Luck

My MME wig is getting soaked!

Idea by blue_eagle16

by tsuki_the_noodle

Chocolate Woes

He's a certified doctor, I swear!

Also by vincent7577

by msjanny

Search the Neopian Times


Top 5 Chocolate Treats

With the annual Chocolate Ball just around the corner, many Neopians are finding themselves increasingly consumed by cravings for chocolatey treats. It is literally impossible for chocolate to be anything but delicious, but, believe it or not, this can actually be a huge problem. No matter how much chocolate owners buy to satisfy their pets, they rarely ever manage to find the ideal cure for a persistent sweet tooth...

Other Stories


Chocolate Reign
Illusen loves all of the holidays.

by kaleidoscopedemon


The Mystery of the Cocoa Ukulele
Phyllis looked at her father as he concentrated; hunched over the desk, wood shavings spilling from the top like foam from a can of Neocola. He was slowly working on creating the most perfect ukulele ever...

by codswobble


Are You Ready for a Petpet?
Though every Neopet knows the devotion, loyalty, and joy a Petpet can bring into a life, there are responsibilities that accompany the acquisition of one of these furry friends.

by headtotoe


Getting Ready to Go Back to Neoschool
As summer draws to its end, it is time to begin thinking about getting young Neopets ready to return to Neoschool.

by neuroticat42


A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing: Part One
"Another one of those street urchins tried to steal my Neopoints again. I got them back though, like I usually do." Sierra sighed.

by dogz_rock_98


Children of the Lonely Stars: Part Four
"We'd better be ready – gravity will be light, but this landing's still going to be rough."

by saphira_27

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