Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 191,782,612 Issue: 620 | 8th day of Storing, Y15
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Aisha Soup

There's always tomorrow.

by the_shii
A Question of Loyalty - Part 5

"This is it: Maintenance Tunnel Level 25-C."

by crainwater
Just Another Day

You can do your dailies ALONE from now on.

by miacirclegirl
The Derpnuggets

Kinda hard to miss that...

by neojedi11
A Game of Cheat

Based on a real event.

by chemoi
The Zaf Girls

Finally, some for us!

by thesovietivan
A Little Inconvienence with Swords for Ixi

Not all species-specific weapons work out...

by aviagua
Coltzan The "Helpful"

Yes, Coltzan, that is EXACTLY what I wanted.

by tana1135293490934
An Owner Could Customise


by andy94174
Walking in a Wuzzle's Shoes

A visual guide to the many reasons why Wuzzles are SO angry.

Also by vesus10

by gypsychic420

Stamps, What Else

It's quite logical...

Idea by ruben160

by cevierakasky

A Tale of Two Kitties: Part 1


Idea by purplebee2000

by kiwilovesbigbang



by taybabatool123

Fashion. It's talked about. :T

by twillieblossom
The Adventures of Sasha and Wil

My new toy mouse is so cool!

by midnight_star411
Fuzzy Feathers: After Halloween

The Misadventures of Feathers the Weewoo and Fuzz the Blugar

Also by zfernbaugh

by setoscape

The Best Treasure of All

You knock, but there is no response.

by sk390

Ceaseless Catacombs

by bluecloud300
Search the Neopian Times


"Deeper" by kristykimmy
"I'm not joking, Garoo," Buzz said. "Her obvious ridiculousness is part of why she's a good agent. She's the one person you can't bring yourself to suspect. She has done deep undercover work and pulled it off perfectly. She's not always as dumb as she looks." From Buzz, that was the highest praise I could ever reasonably hope to get...

Other Stories


Finally Found
Alas, the Xweetok's fun and happy life with her owner was short lived. With one last sad glance at her hungry but happy Blue Xweetok, the alien left without a word.

by kayixu


To a normal person, Eps may have seemed normal. But her closest friends and family knew never to let her use an idiom.

by ezel68


Beyond Themes: 4 Tips for the Gallery Spotlight
There is so much more to think about when pursuing the Gallery Spotlight beyond just a theme.

by saiphami


Falling Into Style – Autumn Customizations
It is the time for fall customizations!

Also by pacificana

by dragoonhunter682


The Orbs of Power: Part Seven
I suddenly remembered, shuddering at the thought, that the Darkness map had been the first to be destroyed, the first to break away from the parchment. Was it an omen?

by burning_shadows_79


Deeper: Part One
"She's the one person you can't bring yourself to suspect. She has done deep undercover work and pulled it off perfectly. She's not always as dumb as she looks."

by kristykimmy

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