Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 191,754,914 Issue: 618 | 25th day of Collecting, Y15
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Just Sit

Regardless, that is so horrendously inappropriate...

by katopia12
The Tree's Festivities

Neopia's most famous trees join in the Halloween festivities...

by kitteh_love_forever
Or Something Like It: Hide and Seek ...or Not!


Art by kittie_orion

by ramotswe

The Misadventures of a Grumpy Plumpy (Vol. VI)

Come on, Plumpykins, it'll be fun!

by gypsychic420
Common Sense: Halloween Edition

I am the wicked Eliv Thade!

by supergirl_lazergirl
Happy Halloween!

I hope I will win a paint brush!

Idea by ruben160

by cevierakasky

A Question of Loyalty - Part 3

I wanted to ask about Maintenance Tunnel 25-C....

by crainwater
TWCC: Trick or Terror

Oh the terrible wonders of having a detachable head.

by pikemaster1
Halloween Hassels

When's the best time of the year to dress up? Halloween of course! Happy SPOOKday!

by sparkles_a18
Neopian Anomaly

Everyone stay safe this Halloween, especially if your costume severely limits your peripheral vision.

by lizica166
Halloween Zaf Girls

Is it because of my costume?

by thesovietivan
Oh Em Gee, I'm M.S.P: Halloween Special

If only Mo could dedicate his creativity towards goodness rather than not-so-goodness. v.v

by shamaela
Blah Blah -Halloween Special-

Skidly... that's not how you do it.

by highwind20
Chance of Rain - Halloween


by mizumew
Blossoms~ Halloween

Merry Chris- er, Halloween!

by twillieblossom
The Best Halloween...?

My basket is empty!

Also by arisuw

by xmx

NoobWorks - A Halloween Special

Try to not lose your heads this Halloween.

by n00bynewt
Happy Halloween!

Halloween is going to be awesome!

by ilovejonulrich
The Goofers - Halloween Special

Halloween issue special

by lintsuf
Just Don't Ask ~ Lights Off!

...No candy? Really, Gogarath? Halloween Scrooge *grumpy face*

by raynbow_light
The Cybunny Intelligence

You are what you eat... literally.

by soderham

Halloween Special

by bluecloud300
A Spooky Halloween, pt 4

An excellent parade!

by ghostkomorichu
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Scarily Tasty Recipes

If you happen to be stuck for something to do on this night most creepy, why not consider holding your very own spine-chilling bake sale? You don't need to be super kitchen savvy, you just need basic mixing skills and the right ingredients. Plus you'll be making a profit whilst filling numerous hungry tummies; win - win! So if dressing up, trick or treating, and scary pranks are not your thing, why not...

Other Stories


A Roo Island Halloween
"Everyone is going to be in the Haunted Woods for Halloween, so many Neopians looking for a scare that there won't be enough ghouls and ghosts and devilish monsters in the entire forest to scare them all. We should go to Roo Island."

by phadalusfish


Miss Eileen
I pushed through the thick woods, dodging branches and tree roots, trying not to get my fur caught in them.

"Sky, come out from your hiding spot!"

by dayoflove


Halloween Style! - 2 Outfits for the Spooky Season
We've come up with two customizations to appease the masses; one entirely NC based, and one entirely made of neopoint items!

Also by pacificana

by dragoonhunter682


Creating Terror: 5 Scarily Tasty Halloween Recipes
Why not consider holding your very own spine-chilling bake sale?

by schoolwars


Coronation: Part One
"All I ask of you today is to inspect these masks carefully and let me know if you sense anything, whether it be magic, ghosts, or technology... anything at all that could alter the wearer's behavior..."

Co-written by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma


Monster Hunting: Part One
In all his wildest dreams Jedd never thought he'd end up perched on a creaky branch jutting out of a cliff face accompanied by a chipper Starry Blumaroo deep in the heart of the Haunted Woods...

by yampuff

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