White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 191,286,117 Issue: 602 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y15
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Budding Trouble - Part 11

Did you see how small that cage was? He at LEAST deserves the entire contents of the Chocolate Factory.

by jupebox
Mamma Knows Best - Part 2

Parents come up with the funniest rules...

by 0123kl
Dead End: Boochi

Let's get outta here!

by killable

After defeating Zombom...

by moon_flash

I won Tombola today!!!

by jadafun
Of Course

How are neopets supposed to tell the difference?

by piechoclate
So Hot :O

I'm so thirsty!

by andy94174
Lab Shenanigans

Lessons learned at the Lab.

by vilvery
Pea Chia Woes - "It's Called Fiction!"

*pops in*

Also by bittersweet52

by krazybabeh

All In the Family 1

Some pets don't know their own strength.

by whimsiicakes
Just Another Day


by miacirclegirl
What Could Possibly Go Wrong

You'd have to be painted invisible for that to work.

by lilkittie080
Spotlight on the Weewoo Pt. 3

Mysterious Origins

by mortimae
Sketchy Puns

No Jubjubs were harmed in the making of this comic in any way... except maybe his pride.

by sparkles_a18
Food Troubles

I am so not eating that!

by sk390
How to Keep your Plumpy Fit!

The secret technique that will slim down your plumpy!

by littledude61394
Unseen Footage #4: Plumpy

Well, at least until now...

by princess__neo277
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Be Yourself in a Crowded Neopia

The goal of this guide is to prove to you that everyone on Neopia has their own skills and their own chance to shine – that's what makes this world so great. The hard part is figuring out what you are good at, what you really want to do, and how to achieve it. It also takes this great skill called letting go and doing what you really love rather than what you think will impress people. This is a game, after all... enjoy it!

Other Stories


The Making of a Mercenary
"Yes, Mother. Don't worry. I practiced and even added a few embellishments of my own to the pieces that I'll be performing tonight."

by yin_yin_7


True Kindness
It's not that she felt unfulfilled, or even unhappy. She just had nothing to do with her time.

by gyosco


Neopian Cooking: Preparing Meridell and Altadorian
Neopia has many tasty and not so tasty foods.

by jrayeb3


The Minion Perspective – Faeries
What do we really know about the Faeries?

by devotedslothminion


The Breadmaster's Challenge: Part Six
"I haven't made it yet, Mum. There's still one challenge to go and the Breadmaster said it would be the toughest one yet. And the other finalists will be hard to beat; they both have a lot more experience than me..."

by meganhilty


Chiaroscuro: Part Three
I sigh. Darkness is a constant here. Like magma and ash.

by geniusbulb

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