Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 189,988,201 Issue: 564 | 28th day of Gathering, Y14
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To Work is to Live #6

Oh Em Gee I'm M.S.P~!

by shamaela
So Says the Slorg!

Six years and he STILL doesn't know who I am?!

by supercheezee
Funny Food - Part 2/5

No one can defeat me!

Also by melovechias

by ilovejonulrich


Oh my goodness...

by lemoncake2
A Completely Fictional Scenario That Never Happened


by leaflunch
Comic of Misfortune- Old Friends 2

Well, at least he tried to help.

by mutantte
Ninja Meepits

You'll never see them coming...

Idea by ruben160

by fjant

Shuzu and Tig; Bows

Maybe customization isn't for everyone...

by firefriendsforever
Question, Exclamation?!

Monthly Freebies

by crystallus
The Nut Farm - Nachos

In which Kalyth fails to learn about "Association Fallacies".

by ramheart
Blairnut Tea: NQII Adventures

Get it together, Rohane.

by klutzy
Quest for the Dung Scarab

Issue 1: Journeying

by cardquestmanager
The Goofers - A Makeover, part 2

Nooo! Not the hair!

by lintsuf
Why Are They So Similar?

Can you help?

by sk390
Greyscale: Line

Common puns find their way into Neopia. It's classic! It's monochromatic!

by toffeedatepudding
Laugh About It!

Aliens do exist! dB

by coolpeepsnevrlos777
Neotetris - Made With Love

The best place to be.

by acira_rocks
Sassi Comics: Family Breakfast

Good morning!

by seiya_from_ashes
The Poorly-Drawn Tales


by virusus
Speak No More


by laehlani
Neo & Friends #1

So the cake really IS a lie...

by jebug29
Doglefox Duets: Garage Sale

Who throws a piano?!?

by oo_luckey_duckey_oo
Memoirs of a BD Pet: Chapter Zei

There's no Draik in this one, I promise.

by donte_10
The Book Vanishes in a Puff of BLACK Smoke!

Maybe I should try to take the books farther in next time?

by o_mermaid_princess_o
Worth Its Weight In Gold

You'll never know your true pets' worth until they are turned into gold.

by ghostid
Scary Soup: Munch


by raykitty
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Rare Petpets

Suppose you're a multi-millionaire, and have the means to spare no expense in providing your Neopet with the very best? If you are fortunate enough to fit the above description, then this guide is for you. When it comes to rare and expensive Petpets, you really are spoilt...

Other Stories


The Colorful Aisha and the Secret Lab
It was an incredibly foolish risk to take, but as Nayha followed the path laid out by the worn, wrinkled map she held, she knew she would not turn back.

by star138


Based on Appearances
My owner didn't find me in the normal fashion. I wasn't found in some Petpet Shop.

by warriorsrock965


A Glimpse Into High-Stakes Gambling
At this point, you probably know your options: Nerkmids, Scratchcards, Treasure Maps, or the Wheel of Extravagance. Only one questions remains: Which one?

by wellesley_girls


Rare Petpets and How to Care for Them
Suppose you're a multi-millionaire, and have the means to spare no expense in providing your Neopet with the very best?

by burning_shadows_79


Never Finish Last: Part Six
"I upset a lot of people and possibly burned a few bridges for the sake of my ego. What I'm trying to say is that whatever happened on my team in Brightvale I hope that wouldn't happen here..."

Art by renzyboy

by renzyboy


Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Confliction - Part Four
"I walked away and let him go. I didn't even think about it, and yet I knew I'd do it again if I were in the same situation..."

by kristykimmy

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