A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 189,237,064 Issue: 547 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y14
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Sassi Comics: Mapping the Temple


by seiya_from_ashes
Faerie Wares

The things we do for faerie quests...

by seraphicbrie
Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth 3

Sure, blame the incompetent artist for the lack of opposable digits.

by supercheezee
3. Little Known Facts - King Altador

While I was in Altador...

Also by vampirebunny18

by sarcasticdeath

Scary Soup: Fit for a Queen

If Fyora was so reluctant...

by raykitty
Sponge Koi

One day, There's a sponge Koi wanting to swim with his friends, but...

by phyllismi
Hide and Seek with the Faeries

Something has happened!

by aruanahansel
Basic Gift Box #1

Based on the book 'Shoyru Surprise'

by __falloutgirl__
Gaming Gone Wrong: Kacheek Seek

It was an honest mistake!

Idea by mikh26

by leedom111

Neo Events and Cheesy Jokes

Happy Fyora Day!

Idea by ilovepuppies31

by cheesetwo__ff

Dinner with the Scarlets: AC Indecision

"Which team, Miss?"

by june_scarlet
Ventures #16

Inter-Mission Part 3. Who says a zombie can't have healthy eating habits, anyways?

by neo_coaster363
Every Time I Play Pyramids

Will that gold trophy never be mine?

by regs_

Yooyuball makes a comb-back!

by thegreenspark
Random Oddness: Fyora Day

O brave Neopian, hear my plea!

by mistyqee
Mymorowen: Adventures in the Ice Caves

Yes, even reputable Neopians steal from poor Snowy! :(

by athanasiusagrona
DoTS: Part 1 of The Phantom of Neopian Times 1/4

Although everything seems normal...

Also by sailreign

by soragin

Seems Legit.


by shamaela
Bye Bye, Gordo


by labehx3
The Real Fyora

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Happy Fyora Day!

by umbreon133
Search the Neopian Times


"The Faerigan Letters" by mystie06
Your Majesty, I was most distressed to hear of the sinking and subsequent destruction of Faerieland, and I regret that I was unable to leave the Citadel to join King Altador and the others in searching for a way to reverse that terrible curse that was placed upon yourself and your people. In the spirit of strengthening the ties between our respective lands...

Other Stories


The Jelly Fiend Strikes Again!
For the fifth time this month, the mysterious masked villain known only as "The Jelly Fiend" has wrecked havoc upon our calm city.

by drama_freak4


The Faerigan Letters
I was most distressed to hear of the sinking and subsequent destruction of Faerieland, and I regret that I was unable to...

by mystie06


Fyora Day Festivities: an Overview
Our intention today is to provide the curious traveler with an overview of the interesting (and sometimes quite odd) ways in which Fyora Day is celebrated across Neopia.

Also by larkspurlane

by melaiv


The Faerie Tribute
We all love Faeries, but who are these enchanting apparitions, really?

by dimitraaa


Caylis's Necklace: Part Five
As her head broke the water's surface, Schala found she could see a bit more clearly. Looking up into the face of her rescuer, the realization that this was no Neopet dawned on her.

"Thank you... kind Faerie..."

by saeryena


Things Best Remembered: Part Ten
Janice's hearing came back first, in little bits. She heard the thumps of feet hitting the floor, the scrape of swords being pulled out of and put into sheathes, the rustling of wings.

by chimie119

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