Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 185,826,977 Issue: 501 | 1st day of Swimming, Y13
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Shades and Hues 29

Meet the Family pt. 10/11 – Being a Darigan has its advantages when making negotiations.

by mstr_dark
So Hungry...

...and she changes color to Chocolate!!!

Idea by axe_raider

by joel_hudson

Hide 'n' Seek Horror


Also by kevboizz

by inuyashalover37

So Says the Slorg!

Necromancy is one part dark magic and two parts lawyering.

by supercheezee
Spotting a Mystery - Part 07

Who is it!?

by lovisa966
Sweet, Sweet Victory

How do you choose between two appetizing edible neopets?

Concept by brahski

by umbreon133

The Off Season: Petpet Troubles, Part 2

Shenkuuvian Neomail has its advantages.

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5
My Little Monster 5/6

Oh no!

by djudju22_8
For Lack of a Better Idea - 4 of 4

To be fair, I don't know how CC eats either.

by saro_the_legendaerie
M3 5: DoM

Yes, there IS, in fact, a difference.

by alagfalaswen
Edna's Quest #1 - The Prize

What did you expect from the witch?

by toffeedatepudding
The Kadventures of Olly and Ninth: Giant Squid

I'm so hungry...

Also by 0llyness :D

by __ninth_gate__

Up in Smoke

Uh oh...

Also by elyk442

by khiton

DoTS #8: Fan Mail

The perfect angle...

by soragin
Speak no More: Fans

Inside the mind of a fangirl.. a dark place...

by laehlani
Morphing Potion Problems

...they got longer...?

by ghostlyswim
The Way The Cookie Crumbles

I shall ask Kauvara...

by wokitana
Not Simplistic

Being magma is hard... T_T

by lss0828
LOGS #3- I won't eat that!

Too bad she doesn't know it's not made of REAL Kougras...

by sarahqzq

Starring Sprinkles the Faellie...

by pau_meow
At Home Or Away

The match is starting!

by sixpows
The Wacky World of Ezel68

Another one of the many disadvantages to owning an abnormally large Fire Werhond.

by ezel68
Peppered Reality: Split part 1 of 2


by rivliex
AC Fanatics

In dire need of your sympathy.

by you_are_my_happiness
Yooyuball Mystery

Will we ever know the truth?

by calibrimantisi
Just Another Day

Gnorbu captains discuss important issues.

by miacirclegirl
Kougra Stories

Colour Change

by tachiki
What will you get in Key Quest?

You'll never know what you get from Key Quest... before the gates open and they appear right in front of you.

by hamster_z
How to Not Become a Pirate Neopet

The taste of adventure?

by mint_green_
Literally ~ The Altador Cup

Make some noise!

by pirate_cove
Meepits Bite Back

Wonder why the site's been playing up lately..? This will answer your question.

by kasokami
Cup Nonsense: Ball Compatibilities

In recent news...

Idea by draconis

by id_24

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Really Make Some Noise

Many people shy away from playing it, as it is very complicated and the controls take quite a while to get used to, even though it can be played multiple times rapidly to greatly help your team out. If you are one of those people, then this is the article for you! If not, I still encourage you to stick around; you might not know as much about the game as you think. Once you start the game, you are confronted with multiple cheering faces, two keyboard keys in the bottom-left of the screen, and what seems to be a multi-colored protractor...

Other Stories


It's a Sunny Side Up Day
"Oh my, you know it's a wonderful day when the flowers smell just like breakfast."

by alt1981black


Piece of the Past
I wonder who that guy was.

by rpheart124


PPL: The Top Five Under-appreciated Petpets
Is it time *you* adopted a new Petpet?

Additional content from blackfriar

by kadface


The Next Moehawk: Your Neopian Rock Band
A few things you need before you start your Neopian rock band.

by mheetu


From Mud to Royalty: Part One
It was surprising to think that all these festivities were just for me, but I guess most Kikos couldn't remember the last time a Kiko left Kiko Lake.

by thesundims


The Kacheek Club: The Tomb of Tragedies - Part Two
The Island Kacheek gulped nervously as panic began to flood into her brain. What if they ran out of oxygen? How would they survive without any food or water?

by jenlin_25

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