There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 184,086,337 Issue: 480 | 4th day of Awakening, Y13
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More Hardships of... Habitarium P3s Part 4

Seriously, it's not easy being a P3.

by alagfalaswen
Neo Life Lessons : Part 3

The real life lessons our site teaches us.

Art by vampirebunny18

by sarcasticdeath

Techopalooza: Rumors

I'm not dense, youngin'! I already knew that!

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5
I'll Take My Chances

What do you do when the odds are against you?

by umbreon133
Chombies and JubJubs are Nuts!!

Chombies and JubJubs thinking up wacky ideas.

by knimble
Blechy Paving Stones

And that's... how they're made. =))

by mooglerz
The Kadoatery is Not Enough - Part 2

The Meepits may have won our last battle...

by burning_shadows_79
Misty- Stuff

Watch my stuff.

by mist222
Poogle Chronicles: Meepits


by 2junebugs
New Year on Shenkuu...

Next time, we're gonna leave them somewhere else...

by yumerumenifelheim
Chef Snot

The troubles of being snot colored...

by louise_the_zero
Adolescents - Unexpected Newcomer

How much is forever?

by kineclap
Shades and Hues 08

Shattered Purity Arc; Part 4/15

by mstr_dark
Rebuilding Faerieland

The healing faerie decided to get a substitute.

Idea by paint_my_sky_blue

by buzzish

Common Enemy

The Snowager is no joke.

by ssjelitegirl
Shoyru Detective Chronicles

A cheesey pun, Neopets style. I hope it peases you.

by vampire_princess_666

...Cooler than YOU.

by _pokemon12_63
How to Be Awesome at: Feed Florg

Those petpets never stood a chance.

by gurl_of_revenge
Boulder Box

Faerie Paint Brush problems

by snackbox
The Wacky World of Ezel68


by ezel68
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of P3s— No, They're Not)

A diamond?

by teleplay
Wishing Well

Some people are desperate to find out how to get the wishing well avatar...

by evaniab
Call Me Intellectual Ishmael!


by melonswift

Like anybody uses math in astronomy.

by little_kid_kristine


by komo95
Vaesrin Goes Exploring!

Some cultures take getting used to.

Idea by dark_slammer

by repulsives

That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles: Jhudora's Day

Happy Jhudora Day! Or not...

Written by deblob5521

by pikemaster1

Just Crazy

Neopia. Oh the Possibilities!

by empoleon07
Kanrik and Jazan

I have more!

by jamba_jukeba

Faerieland gets used to its new neighbors...

by ghostkomorichu


by hidden_sapphire
Jhudora's Request

I'm waiting...

by ashley_golf_4ever
I Fear Jhudora!

Wait a minute... why is Illusen's hair looking like that?

by djudju22_8
Talk About a Random Valentine's, Part 2

What could go wrong? Well, there are a lot of options...

by buizelmaniac
Jhudora's Bluff

You live in a Bluff?

Also by emmy123327

by 1992jk1995

Confetti: Faerieland Crater

When did that happen!?

by smlv4_smlv4_1_1_1
(Un)common Sense - Jhudora Edition

Can you water my plant?

Art by soccergirl101397

by kuroge

Neopian Anomaly, Part 2

Lost in the Haunted Woods: Check. Not acknowledging you're in trouble: Check. Talk about things you're afraid of: Check.

by lizica166
The Bunker - The Makeover (Part 10)

"Buh" indeed.

by hubadawaha
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Faerie's Ruin Prize Shop

What do you pick? What should you spend neopoints on instead of plot points? While I can't help you much when it comes to picking gallery items and wearables (those you have to pick on your own, I'm afraid), I can help you with one huge aspect of the plot point store: turning your plot points into neopoints. The most important piece of advice I can give you here is do not, and I mean absolutely DO NOT use the Trading Post solely as...

Other Stories


Aqua's Diary
Why must we live in the Haunted Woods? Every day, I stay locked up in my house, forbidden to leave without one of my siblings.

by catloverusa


Jhudora's Big Bluff
What a tragedy! The most powerful Dark Faerie, reduced to impersonating her arch nemesis! The problem was that nobody did her quests anymore.

by atkinspet


A Dash of Good Neopian Karma is What We Need!
Many Safety Deposit Boxes are getting close to weighing tonnes! Chocked full of items which we hardly look at, and will likely never use!

by led_zeppelin_rock


When Zombies Attack: A Guide for You to Survive
Note: No zombies were harmed in the making of this guide. Really.

by treihaven


My Life-Changing Realization: Part One
"Saphirie, are you sure you don't need help?" asked the doubtful speckled Draik watching from below.

by cutie110215


Bottled Beauty: Part Three
I glanced at the clock. 7:54. I had let my alarm ring for almost a half hour and hadn't heard it. I was going to be late for school.

by vanessa1357924680

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