Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 173,663,018 Issue: 406 | 21st day of Hiding, Y11
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Tweaking Neopian Games #10

TNT Staff Smasher

Art by vampirebunny180

by myssinu

A Game of Cards part 6 of 6!


Script by water_park1993

by thewizardess

The Ithalyas Chronicles - The Stormbringer #6

In which there are strangers.

by kattrish
Tale of Woe - Part 4 - The Adventure

Run. That's all that came to his mind. Run. Run like the wind or it will all end.

by buffylemon

Please learn to differentiate sponge pets from cheese.

by dragonstorm_75
Geraptiku and the Cursed Wave, Part 4

Blayne "loves" story time! Really!

by buizelmaniac
The Hero Society - #29

In which we discover that even villains have bad days...

by bearcatt
The Unknown of the Altador Cup IV

Some of their strategy they used was simply breath-taking!

by christian_boy_cookie
Pet Cubed

an introduction

by quiched
Sanity LTD

It's all fun and games until the owner falls asleep.

by thunderlight314


by carissaenero3
The (Mis)Adventures of the Defenders of Neopia : #6

'That Snot Funny' - lame puns all round.

by amamamole
Medical Tree: Cicero

A new challenger approaches!

by leetmango
Snobbery #1

It's nice to feel popular once in a while...

by lumnatii
Kacheek Tails - Babysitting

Babies are perceptive little creatures...

by kittyshootingstar
Training Queenie: Mornings


by greenflavouredink
NeoQuest Quirks

Do I dazzle you?

by crystaldragon1898
AltaCup Antics

Getting back to life without the Cup isn't as easy as it seems.

by chagrins
Questionable Legality -- Unsurprisingly

Quick! Spell spell spell! D:

by acey__
Neopia's Mysteries - The Grundo Leader

Based on a true story.

by shalnya
Malfaisant Gets Thirsty And Drinks A Slushie

I could just die of thirst.

by rainbow_yoshi_10
Rem's Gaming Guides

Splat-a-Sloth Guide

by nightwolf_rider
Common Sense

The REAL question is where she got that picture from...

by supergirl_lazergirl
Meepits - Cute and Evil?

Beware of meepits!

by evaniab
Search the Neopian Times


Fashionable Species Wearables

Fashion is a huge thing. Especially when it comes to customizing your neopets! Now, of course fashion has to do with the changing seasons, but there are some pieces of clothing that will always be fashionable and never get old. I'm not talking about neocash clothing, or even clothing wearable by all species! That's right, I'm talking about single species wearables. If you don't know what these are, they are wearables that can only...

Other Stories


Sun Shine
As it was, he was standing outside of the NC Mall. He stared in the window with his face scrunched up as he thought.

by bamboo_soda


The Clockwork Yooyu
"Yay Team Lost Desert! Wooooo!"

by tanikagillam


Customizing VS Paintbrushes
Customization allows you to "paint" your pet a colour no one has ever painted them before.

by candyrabi


The Top 15 Most Fashionable Single-Species Wearables
Fashion is a huge thing. Especially when it comes to customizing your neopets!

by danielleplicka


Witches in the Shadows: Part Three
"They call them the Endless Plains. Not the Delightfully Small Plains or the Plains You Can Nip Across in Five Minutes!"

by herdygerdy


In Perfect Harmony: Part Four
"No, you really are great!" Jenny assured her enthusiastically. The Yurble laughed uneasily and glanced at her owner, hoping she could save Ali from the awkward position.

by cheeseworld101

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