Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 173,432,373 Issue: 405 | 14th day of Hiding, Y11
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Tweaking Neopian Games #9

Shenkuu Warrior

Art by vampirebunny180

by myssinu

A Game of Cards part 5 of 6

Is this yours?

Script by water_park1993

by thewizardess

The Ithalyas Chronicles - The Stormbringer #5

In which there is... pizza?

by kattrish
Tale of Woe - Part 3 - The Vision

She told him of his beginnings. She showed him his love. She set him on his path for revenge.

by buffylemon
Life is a Playground! ~ Tarla's Time

Omg! It's really Tarla!

by larenchan
Loopy Lupes

Hunger hurts...

by cat_dog35
Geraptiku and the Cursed Wave, Part 3

"My name is Wave."

by buizelmaniac
I Want to FLY!


by a13xl
Shield Your Eyes!

You're never safe without sunglasses.

by mudkipdoll
Aww Look At The... Eww.

Delightfully dim is not always a good thing...

by funkiemonkee903
The DOWNFALL With Interactive Items


by oracle419
The Chicken Suit

Desperate times call for desperate ideas.

by hypergirl3030
Crazy Clouds


by shadow_sabre_
Island Daze

I think we'll be safe...

by __tiffany___
Freakazoid - 2

That darn Weewoo.

by lo0ovelyfr3ak

What will they Neo-fy next?

by silent_snow
the dark side

problems with medicines

by vira8

Shopping spree!...?

by yuzu_004

Well, I was just saying...

by dream_galvin
Medical Tree: Qasalan Expellibox

Every day I play. And yet...

by leetmango
On the Radar!

A part of your daily breakfast.

by __xyvtahk
Buddings the Knightess

Manliness is relative. In this case, that relative is Uncle Eupel.

by sappire_charizard
Black and White

The true Reason this Captain was never feared

by nadrianathebeast
That's why...

I bet you always wanted to know this.

by cuchatenador
Picky Eater

W-what's that smell?

by _rrbutton_
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"The Knight from Brightvale" by dragonstorm_75
Now that Brightvale was calling to arms, he felt as if his wish had come true with flying colors, but when he started his training, he was thoroughly disappointed. Mainly because the Overseer was as capable with a mace as a turdle, but also because he was so inexperienced that he once cut a braid of hair from his training partner during an exercise...

Other Stories


Boomer's Tale
It knew, then, that it had been put away; but it didn't feel betrayed, for what does a robotic toy, mere plastic and circuits and metal, know of betrayal?

by essellyn


Forever Family
She wanders through, looking at each individual pet. Finally, she stops in front of a little green Yurble.

by baina948


The Top (and bottom) TCGs
Have you always wanted to know which TCGs were most expensive? How about which TCGs were the least expensive?

by karinche


A Basic Guide To Capsules
Why it's so great, what to look for when deciding what to buy, capsules of special interest, and, you know, all that good stuff.

by jas7229


The Dragon Flower: Part Four
Twelve days... Amina thought to herself and watched the clouds go by. That's really far away. I wonder if we will ever see Ms. Forest again.

by waterfairyrani


Celandine: Part One
"To help you find your way," he said simply and walked back to the Mystery Island Training School. Lanshar looked down. It was a Golden Compass.

by yampuff

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