Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 172,538,252 Issue: 401 | 17th day of Swimming, Y11
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Tweaking Neopian Games #5

Dubloon Disaster

Art by vampirebunny180

by myssinu

A Game of Cards part 1 of 6

You can see it in her eyes.

Script by water_park1993

by thewizardess

Blah Blah

She can even ruin jelly...

by highwind20
Tender Love & Cupcakes

In his defense, she shouldn't have built her shop to look like a soup kettle.

by tabbloza
Lol, wut? #1

The Endless Plains?

by norbert811
Fuzzeh Logic

Chocolate pets don't have it as tough as you think.

by jackjack1234
Blizzard: Wishing Well

Aussehen wants to play with the wishing well.

by flyingfox07
Problem Solvers Inc.

Background Check: Ali

by khestrel
...and he changes color to...

...that's not what the purpose of an ant farm is, Lucas.

by axel_roxastoo
Mr. Uni Goes to Roo Island


by inflammatory

How did you know?!

by satsuma567
Kite Strings

It's the thought that counts!

by 1cecubeh
AltaCup Antics

This is why goalies should not be made of Jelly....

by chagrins
HOOPLA: jelly


by _pokemon12_63

That seems unnecessarily harsh...

by cables
Tales of the Insane -Pants-


by asthella
Failed Exam


Concept by most_lizard

by taz_241590

Caution: May Bite

The Destined One can't get eaten... don't know about her brother, though. :P

by beastybas

Arms? Who needs 'em?

by chikara_flame
Learning From Our Failures

There are a lot unknown failures that helped shape Yooyuball into what we know and love today.

by starring_star
The Ithalyas Chronicles - The Stormbringer #1

A new place; a new story.

by kattrish
C.H.A.O.S. Altador Cup Special

I think the Techo Fanatic supports...

Script by precious_katuch14

by nut862

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Your Dice of Destiny

First, you are given the choice to roll either one die or two dice. After your roll, depending on the sum of numbers shown on your die or dice, you will need to choose a lever or levers numbered from 1 – 9 in order to move on and roll your next dice. For example, if you roll only one die and get a 3, you have two options for the levers.You could either click on the number 3 or the numbers 1 and 2...

Other Stories


Is New Really Improved?
The special limited edition Fair Maiden Usuki – only a thousand were made, and it would never be produced again.

by geneames1


Sophie versus the Altador Cup
Sophie turned to face that blue, raging Techo and demanded, "Pipe down! I can barely hear myself think."

by a_greenparrot


Shopkeeping: Neopian-Style
Have you ever wondered why they became shopkeepers?

by ponytail135


A History of Neopian Proverbs
All school and no play makes Sally a dull Usul.

by autotune


A Single Prediction: Part Four
"If I couldn't surprise you, then I wouldn't be very good at defending Neopia."

by be2aware


Petpet Talk: Lost Adventures in Geraptiku - Part One
The entire family was going on a vacation to Mystery Island—for a week!

by christmas_ice

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