Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 175,957,962 Issue: 353 | 1st day of Hiding, Y10
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The Lost Island Hunters - Part III

The Magic Feepit appeared...

Also by cevierakasky

by dra_jl

Spooky Crossover

It's a secret.

by i_hate_backstabbers
The Valley of Spam


by chichikokoyamma
'Extreme' Sports


by shadow_sabre_
Life is a Playground - Kass Basher!


by larenchan
Freefalls Into Lunacy

Uses For A Glowing Pet!

by firefree_animegirl
Zap by the Ray

...and Beyond Neopia licks its lips!

by cynthiac369
Gag Train

No way.

by kaiinomi_chan
TRAODAF: More NQII stuff

Some things just make you wonder...

by gabeedragon
Made Out Of Glue - Chickaroo!


by maddington_bear
Apples to Apples

Do you have your costume?

by itscocoa
Happiness is...

27% gravity = OH YEAH.

by luckyfishie

I've always wondered why the Swamp Ghoul doesn't bother us any longer...

by kinshijaku

Apparently the Beauty Contest trophies really DO need a make-over...

by lachtaube
Feepit Frenzy #12

Breakfast is being prepared...

by fariy287
Ice: Zombies

I guess that means the barbecue's off.

by neogirl21_21

WARNING: Stench of garlic within...

by mouse_trap_34
Click Here

What a smart decision!

Idea by ohdearieme

by me_like_juice

Hungry Hungry Grarrl

This happens to me. A lot.

by touchedbyapenguin
sanity ltd

An epic tale of a Faerie Kyrii who ate toast.

by thunderlight314
Cloud & Speck

Warning, fans and clouds don't match!

by kyraona
Talking with your Neopet

Why don't you paint me grey if you're going to leave me like this?

by zelda2222

OMG!!! Free Petpetpets!!!

by goodsigns
Get Your Own Thing!

Darn conformists...

by guardiandelta
Poogle Races

And they're off with a quick start...

Also by spiral333

by pheonix_firewing

Team Mayhem

Why do royal Korbats carry staffs?

by dark_moon_blossom
The Peophin Adventures - Something Has Happened!

A little blue Peophin walking down the streets and... poof! something has happened!

by picha_girl
The Truth About Turmac Roll

This is why the game Turmac Roll is in Meridell and NOT in the Haunted Woods.

by wackywocky555
Let The Games Begin!

2 minutes into the match...

by chikolina
The Perks of Being Pirate


by musiclives2001
The Bunker - Bonus!

Seriously. Don't.

by hubadawaha
Ace of Spades

Mwa ha ha!

by unaagi
CDLC - Crazy Deranged Laughs Coop

Some of the Most Committed... and Biggest... Fans

by raptorsama
Even Opportunities

Introducing... the Altador Cup!

by waltman1002001
Search the Neopian Times


"Petpet Talk: The Daycare" by christmas_ice
"Ms. Finkle's Sunshine Daycare for Petpets," Stacy replied, rolling her purple eyes. "I know," she snickered. "Sunshine Daycare. Ha! There she is now, yelling at those Doglefoxes." They turned around to look at the Chia, who was angrily scolding two shadow Doglefoxes. The Doglefoxes cowered on the wooden floor...

Other Stories


Who, Me?
"Are you going to get up?" said a voice from above...

by dipper70


The Princess and the Candychan
Tzila continued to sob, and did not speak of what caused her such grief. Her tears caused the poor island to flood...

by twocents


Trading Beautiful for Spectacular
How far does this rationale extend? And does this rationale justify trading the pounded pet versus trading a pet that you created?

by candycaddy


Picking the Perfect Petpet - Part II
Are you having trouble choosing that one special Petpet? Part 2 of 3

by arah_n


It's Raining! It's Pouring! Old Faeries Are Snoring!: Part Two
"We've got to make it to the faeries at Darkling Mountain..."

by brokensilent


The Perils of a New Brother: Part Two
"In fact, there is an ancient code that uses spelling errors..."

by steelseatimber

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