Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 175,958,008 Issue: 352 | 24th day of Swimming, Y10
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Shoyru Adventures: Battledomers! Part 8

The final chapter... Marisa's first fight!

by lawrence_189
The Lost Island Hunters - Part II

The map you have is fake!

Also by cevierakasky

by dra_jl

The Valley of Spam

Oh come on!

by chichikokoyamma
No Use Being Evil, Jhudora

All her hair will FALL OFF!

by konayukii
Sometimes You Have To Wonder

Because no matter how overdone, making fun of invisible pets never gets old.

by folkloric
TRAODAF: Yet another NQII-themed comic

Might as well change the name back to NQII: The Mysteries.

by gabeedragon

It is soo hard to accessorize!

by zellala


by wortwortwort
Art of Randomness

How to fly a kite

by w4lly

Based on a true story...

by lachtaube

It's always the Meepits...

by stillettos
Welcome To My Life

Let me fix it.

by jambammer
Techo Pokes

Ever wonder how Techo Says works?

Idea by almighty_kyra

by hidden_0_o

The Shop of Mystery Misery

Can it maybe... be a rip off?

by anime_the_artist
Razzle Dazzle - Episode XXI

A Summer Haunting

by khestrel
Hmmm... What?!

Another day, another peek into the secret world of Usukis. In case you didn't know, yes, your Usuki dolls are ALIVE!

by toffeedatepudding
Xweetok Tales~!

I'm going home.

by elf_princess43
Rainbow Connection


by rainbow_mist_wave
The 'Tok of the Town: The Joke's On You

So, Mikey, what's the punchline again?

by moonlightfear

If you win to something that doesn't exist, did you really win?

by pyro_wyvern1
Entertainment Value

Kind of stating the obvious on that one...

by chicken_timer
One Panel Wackies

It's super wacky!

by blazeinthedarkness
Forest Bound

Why you should be more specific when closing your door.

by izzybellaw
The Evalution of Insanity

During Kacheek Seek...

by the_foster_home235
Clashing Colours

What is in that sack?

by ringb
The Ice Cream Solution

Another approach to Ice Cream Machine.

by sunshinefudge
Giant, GIANT Squid

Giant Giant Squids are not very good pets...

by neofeather
Just Water

... -_-

by seiya_from_ashes
Two and a Half Gelerts


by silverqueengalaxia
Just Your Average Neopian Family


by laurel146
Altador Cup Guide

Three Reasons

by doremi_kasake
Oonu Comikku

It was just a matter of time when that was going to happen...

by oonu391
Burnt Cookies

You can only help your team! ...right?

by minuko
Search the Neopian Times


"A Short Tale" by jayandcourtneyk
"Aw c'mon, guys, will you please please please let me play volleyball with you?" Raven extended his scrawny arms to try and hit the volleyball when it was intercepted by his sister. He was a Mutant Korbat, and somehow irregularly shorter than the average Korbat height. At the moment, four of his family members were playing two-on-two volleyball outdoors...

Other Stories


Oh To Be Beautiful!
He strived to make more neopoints only to feed me, and I ate more foreign and exotic foods. Then he vanished...

by pippin_me


If Wishes Were Fishes
One day, after two hours of hard work picking off the rotten berries, Brian noticed something tiny sparkling in the bushes. He pushed aside the leaves and leaned over to find...

by christmas_ice


A Message to All Darigan Pets
Attention all darigan pets: Lord Kass has decided to grace you with a special message...

by yippo_yippee


Eye Liner Or Hair Dye? Life As A Neopian Goth
It seems that you haven't found your calling in life. It seems that the sun is simply too potent for your inner child of darkness.

by iamskot


Following the Wind: Part Three
Her eyes narrowed in a deep scowl as she entered the Haunted Woods...

Also by noob

by scarletspindle


Vinsetta: Part Six
"We're going to find it soon," said the Wocky, trying to reassure her friend. "We'll find the grove, and we'll save the faeries..."

by reggieman721

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