A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! |
Circulation: 176,283,216 |
Issue: 348 | 20th day of Relaxing, Y10 |
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Avoiding Getting Eaten
Far too often do Neopians get attacked by Kougras on the shores of Mystery Island, get hit by the Snowager's breath in Happy Valley, get stepped on by Monoceraptor in Tyrannia, burn their tongues with a hot cup of Borovan, or cut their fingers on the sharp edges of that copy of the Times. Has this ever happened to you? No one around to kiss your booboos? Read on, my friend, for in this article, you will learn to avoid those nasty booboos. Sound good? I know. See, I've experienced all this more than once, and one day, I decided enough is enough. So I got a job as a safety inspector...
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