A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 176,283,216 Issue: 348 | 20th day of Relaxing, Y10
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You're Fired!

...meanwhile at the Employment Agency...

Concept by parpsie92

by taz_241590

Shoyru Adventures: Battledomers! Part 4


by lawrence_189
Restocking Madness #4

The true restocking begins!

Also by feverlama

by hypno_the_cat

Lesson 1: Hair Care

Like EVERY Usuki Usul knows how to cut hair... right...?

by mint_nutrition
Drawing a blank

How Neopets Get Light

by lunasword
Freebies: Giant Omelette

Think of the Poor Tyrannians.

by candyluvr8
Whatever Happened to the Lamameeah?

and the winner is...

by m3rcuri
Doodle~Splash! Infested!

Hi there, worm!

by zynbells

Have you ever wondered how Wearables are invented?

by _moonsfire_
Working Title Comics

The Grundo Leader attacks...!

by mooseydoom101
Dangerous Potions

Wonder what it does...

by konayukii
Off the Boat

Sometimes we could all use a break from our work...

by coconutladie
Mutants vs. Customization

Who will win this time?

by monkiegurl22
Just Another Day at the Office

So, Bob...

by lucky_oreo_13


by lachtaube
Tough Zafaras Wear Pink

Did you hear?!

by thespian
Terminology Confusion - Balthazar

Switching around a few letters can give a word a whole new meaning...

Also by kalis_coraven

by x_seabee_x

Grit and Scratches

Starve the zombie - Don't read books.

by friedcheekin
Maya & Minki - A Helping Hand Part 2


by manisha_3_3
sanity ltd

Who put this giant yellow rock here anyways?

by thunderlight314
Snow Pet Problems

He's a snow pet!

by kitsune_wolf_youkai
Pointless Nonsense - Order of Awesome

I'd thought I'd make my own!

by petfriendamy
The Class of '08 Part Thirteen

The Gym?!

by _dead_meat_x_
Tail Chase!

Oh, it is on, babe...

by touchedbyapenguin
Clothless Neopets

What owners really do with the unwanted clothing...

by geestelijk
Fashion Victims

You got those too!

by greenladysoap

You can't trust anyone.

Idea by pinkandprecious

by prae

Altador Cup Is Arriving!!!! Or Maybe Not!

Where is the Yooyuball?

by sassofrasso
The Half-Time Show

Somebody hand me some ear plugs!

Art by squire_genevieve

by patjade

Further Ado - Altador Cup

The Altador Cup always gets to me.

by elksy
Search the Neopian Times


Avoiding Getting Eaten

Far too often do Neopians get attacked by Kougras on the shores of Mystery Island, get hit by the Snowager's breath in Happy Valley, get stepped on by Monoceraptor in Tyrannia, burn their tongues with a hot cup of Borovan, or cut their fingers on the sharp edges of that copy of the Times. Has this ever happened to you? No one around to kiss your booboos? Read on, my friend, for in this article, you will learn to avoid those nasty booboos. Sound good? I know. See, I've experienced all this more than once, and one day, I decided enough is enough. So I got a job as a safety inspector...

Other Stories


The Foster Pet
"WHY would I be excited about some weird Neopet staying in our home?" Twyla cried...

by respect19


Blake and Sarah – Secret Agent Lupes
"He wouldn't believe my plan to go stop what's going to happen in the future..."

by haku2049


Multiple Personalities - Ownership of a Mutant Hissi
Split personalities aren't so much the issue as it is that it's two brains in one body.

by brokensilent


Building the Perfect Neohome
If you want a spotlight-worthy Neohome, I recommend a theme approach.

Also by doopingla

by ellenbug


Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part Seven
"You must be Reshar! Welcome to the team," she said happily. "My name is Adelene. I'll be your coach this year..."

by samschelfhout2


Neovision Superstar: Part Seven
We got stopped by the security guard. We explained why we were there, and we all received the standard 'Audition Visitor' badges...

by sunsetneversetting

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