It’s deep within the heart of every Neopet. The need to be sneaky arises from time to time. It’s a dream shared by all--to be a spy. But, you can never seem to get there. You always get caught, you can’t seem to be quiet enough, and you lack that delicate reasoning. My friend, be disheartened no more, for the secrets about being a spy are about to be divulged...
An Island Hidden in Mist The icy cold pulled him down, forcing him into the murky depths. He spun, flipped, and could only tell that he was going down...
A New Home I glanced around shortly to see what had caused my fall, and my eyes widened at what I saw lying there. On the side of the road, completely soaked and sad-eyed, was...
The One and Only Use for Gruel As far as I know, there's no such thing as the 'Neopian Gruel Pound'. So how do you use the bundles of gruel gathering dust in your Safety Deposit Box?