Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 132,843,258 Issue: 270 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y8
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Brothers'n'Sister: Butler "Shlosh" Part I

The Neopet who finally defeated the evil monster, Sloth!

by kamikatze24
The Great Discovery


Art by dark_elfa

by patjade

The Best Owner Ever

What an owner will do for a Battledome challenger!

by raising_shadows

Boys, Toys, and School Supplies

by christian_in_black
Edible Petpets

Part 1 ~ :3

by fwoar
Say What?

Why some Neopians don't make good teachers...

by fairynotes
Meowclops On Strike

"I'm not a lab rat, you know..."

by blue_angel_alice
The Imbroglio

Darn petpet labray...

by deadsketch

Who knew that Faerie Bubbles could be so much fun?

by sophie_the_chick
Fire and Ice Cream... Don't Mix!


by honeycourtney
Normal Abnormalitys #1 : Sick Days

Neopets don't like to get sick either...

by comatose_slumber
Tarla - An RSer's Nightmare

Some people only live off Tarla's freebies and get worried when she's not at the warehouse...

by kerath
Off Track: Pirate

I told you! I'm not gettin' painted!

by klipsan
Pixel Nation

You dig up a shovelful of dirt! Wow!

by tree_froggie
Out of Ideas

I'm not a cookie.

by silmarwen_telrunya
Omelettes and Rainbows

Cruel yes, but we like it too...

Art by xxdemexx

by xxyoukoxx

Neo Puffs

Some Neopians have bad hair days...

by thebobiscoming
Alternate Ending

Who need expensive weapons anyway?

by leeloo18

Apparently, there's no gum in that swiss-army purse.

by jupeboxgal

There's a rumor going around...

Written by kittencutiebootie

by akakoneko

Couldn't I Have A Stunt Double?

The trials of being green...

by zucchini55


by qbeaver
Sock Puppets: Neopian Math Class

Sometimes it's just boring.

by yoshiverhoeckx
King Hagan... Truly Intelligent?

He ponders all that you have said.

by sailoremilymoon2002
Normal is Overrated

You're not hiding... jellybeans?

by tamarainian_girl
Gone Batty

Flying fish?!?

by kittysmj
Death By Chocolate

Um, yummy...?

by lawrenceudall
This Feels Familiar...

It's not world domination this time.

by pandiekandee
Two in One - Episode 1

Ooh, that's a hard one.

by roa_and_maffin
When Meepits and Feepits WAR!

In an unknown land...

by photon_man333
The Neopals

*nod nod*

by roxanne_vergara99
Search the Neopian Times


"Witchcraft and the Problem with Mould" by 74_countrychick_74
Mr. Mouldy wasn't the adventurous type. In fact, he would rather sit in some poor Neopian's inventory eating chips than be out on an adventure. Inventory, you say? Well, yes. Mr. Mouldy is a mouldy potato. One day, 74_Witchcraft_74 the blue Uni was patiently waiting...

Other Stories


The Dancer's Scarf
After Mage had seen me dancing once, she had told me how much fun it looked like and admitted how much she would love to learn how to dance. I had suggested that she learned to dance, which had really seemed to take her by surprise...

by scar19


Just One Little Question
When she was done, it vanished, just as all Neopian books do. The Shoyru stood up. Suddenly a thought hit her. Why do books vanish when you read them?

by x_icecap


Will No One Think of the Petpets?
It's no small wonder why the Petpet Protection League was formed, but what are they really doing to stop the rampant petpet abuse in Neopia?

by miranda822


Mallow Myth
No one is sure how Grundos could become Mallow coloured. The most popular hypothesis is called "The Chia Factor" (TCF). Chias are well-known to have really high mutation properties.

by mazoku_kuiin


The Battle for Kreludor: Part Six
"A small legion has already arrived from Moon Base 29," the Commander replied. "I believe we have enough soldiers at the moment..."

by azellica


Hissi, Come Blow Your Horn!: Part Two
When Satch entered the diner, the room suddenly grew quiet as customers stopped eating to look at him. He waved shyly, but was greeted with odd looks. Apparently, Hissies weren't that common among Neopets yet...

by bitsy_dj

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