Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 124,395,024 Issue: 250 | 28th day of Swimming, Y8
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The Lava Ghoul Doesn't Burn...

I think you were lucky this time.

by _mauwie_
Dangerously Insane

Issue 250 is like my mid-terms. I freak out.

by leah_51293
Don't Blame ME

*loud cheering*

by choclated

Just stick your hand or paw in...

Idea by mcskip

by hikarru

Brothers'n'Sister - Paint Brush Luck

Is this my birthday present?

by kamikatze24
Be Yourself!

Even if you really are fungus!

by lollipopsaregood9
No Comment

Arr, ye measly lil landlubbers!

Art by ssjelitegirl

by x_massacre_x

Edna's Job

Giving out quests must be a very interesting job...

by smockey11

N00bs... whaddya gonna do?

by random_geyser
Usually Abnormal #3

Annoying Petpetpet - even Weewoos can be ruffled.

by tristess

Uncanny in: Neopets and Human Jokes

by kittydemonchild

What a crummy situation...

by _andissimo_
Forgotten Memories: The Diary of The Lab Scientist

Today, I felt like having a swim.

by magickrystal32
The (Mis)Adventures of Gore

When Intelligence Fails

Written by anjie

by chivo

So, Darigan Lost the Altador Cup...

Apparently, Lord Darigan is pretty upset.

by mcgirlcat
What Were You Thinking...

That's easy!

by ggen8


by princton_fan
Speaking Speaker

Volume's full up and still no music.

by plaquenil
Intellectual Twaddle

Well, he got a cute blanket out of it...

by katu_fushigi
BOO - Unsuccessful Schemes

Somewhere on Virtupets Space Station...

Written by scarlet_aiglantine

by n00b3h

Z0MG! New Pet

Oh, look. A Ghost Ona...

by xxkesenaitsumixx
Fish Story?


by _saiyan_girl
What Goes Around, Comes Around!

Not again!

by ebolakitty
Rojero's Tale

That guy looks suspicious...

by heart_toes
Nonsense: Tamari's Mix-Up

When Tamari the Werelupe for once in his life LOSES a battle, he finds out...

by kai_pawz
Lost Meh Marblez

A regular Bori cleans itself with its tongue. An ice Bori... doesn't.

by randomheart467
Neopets for Lunch

This is what happens when you forget to feed your pets!

by bickleputt
Gnorbus are Love

Everyone loves rare item spitting up Gnorbus. (:

by colormaster360
Not Quite the End of the World

That's why I've come up with the perfect plan...

by ravenscorne
Insanity (When It Comes to Colors)

This sure does benefit your lazy, but-I-don't-wanna-take-a-bath pets...

by vietbabi07
Break Time...

When it's break time in the Battledome...

Art by krispykritter6

by mryddian

Copy & Paste

Warning: This comic contains pink ribbons!

by phenran
T.O.T.A.L.L.Y C.R.A.Z.Y : Mysteries of the Symol Hole

What lies underneath the Symol Hole? The world may never know...

by 0x_freaky_x0
All in a Neopian Day

Help me find that issue!

by confuzerated
penny dreadful

What happened to him?

Also by angelica030788

by velveteen

When Random Events Combine...

Something has happened! Oh no!

by azellica
Howl at the Dog Next Door

Oh, you poor dear!

by ledgend_of_the_sun
And Today's Weather Is...

Weather for the Darigan Citadel truly is not listed anywhere. I wonder what Lord Darigan thinks of that?

by aiyakhiori
And the Meepits Outgrabe

And with me on guitar...

by kittylin
Neo Evolution

Learn the evolution of neopets. =)

by angelgirl__28
Little Orby

Steal my plot, will you?

by tashni
The Problem With Snow Pets

Are you there?

by twinkle_28
Notions And Nonsense - Time Travel

I'd watch time fly, but this is more fun.

Art by x_b0b0_x

by patjade

Without Words

Dreaming of Flight

by wsprite
Intelligence? ...Never Heard of It

Home-made sickness. ^^

by _wind__

Good thing it's not the paint brush.

by lightning_city
Beans On Toast

What's so great about being painted mutant?

by katz_number_1
250 Reasons Not To Beg

Do you need a better reason?

Idea by kougra_sweets_14

by qbureau

Sutek Muffin


by thegreenmooseofdoom

Ack! What's with all the weewoos?!

by ghostkomorichu
Search the Neopian Times


"The Issue 250 Delivery" by precious_katuch14 and shadowcristal
The Neopian Times publications office was a small, clandestine room tucked away in the bowels of the Catacombs, where nobody took much notice of it, except when submitting stories or inquiring about the next line-up...

Other Stories


Decay, the Utterly Impossible Bika
"No. You'll be my neopet."

by zippo92740


One Bar of Chocolate
"I'm going to buy some chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate!" Coco sang as she bounced along the pavement...

by star_29791


Get Inside the Minds of the Neopet Models
Okay, I know you all have seen them. Those adorable neopets who pose for the neopet shields on your user lookups. One would think that these pets have the easy life...

by dancer_girl_4_cheer


The Cheesy Villains Awards
We've got a great show lined up for tonight! But first let's head on over to the red carpet, where many villains are already arriving! Our correspondent Lord Darigan is waiting.

Also by blubblub317

by dan4884


For the Altador Cup: Part Five
All of his work with Tilly was finally beginning to pay off. They had the best team in the competition, and no one suspected a thing...

by lili483


Behind the Forbidden Door: Part Eight
To his surprise and embarrassment, Lerox choked up. "We were trying to save my sister. Sloth has her, and..."

by sarahleeadvent

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