"The Plastic Lenny" by superhamster6789 Oxley scanned the well-kept garden in the front of the neohome. Even the flowers looked dreary. He looked from the garden gnomes, to the blackberry bushes, to the starflowers, until his eye landed upon the Plastic Lenny that resided in the middle of the garden. It stood proudly in the rain, a grin painted on its beak.
Guide to Winning a Spotlight So you want to win a Spotlight, huh? Well, I don't blame you! In our opinion,
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The Beauty Within: Part One Daria awoke to - surprise, surprise - ANOTHER
gloomy, persistently dark day. She got out of bed and walked to the window...
The Treasured Diary: Part Three He walked down the dark halls of Gallion's Keep,
past servants who were tied and gagged in several corners, and entered the library...