Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 100,597,592 Issue: 199 | 14th day of Swimming, Y7
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Cookie Crumbles

Stupid tree!

by chaofun242
Under the sun

Are you under the sun?

by eclipse_princess
A Storm and a Kite

When there's a wind, there's a way...

by ssjelitegirl
And the Meepits Outgrabe

What makes you say that?

by kittylin
One Greedy Chia


by jazzyshizzle
Coffee Break- #3, The Nimmo Cafe

Some neopets obviously take things too seriously.... or is it just the coffee talking?

by isabella462
The House on Aisha Avenue

Are you sure that works?

by thebestme
The Odd Couple

You have a new quest!

Also by gloss_frozen

by mindela_me

The Resistance

Oh no, not Boochi!

by melodiq

It was the ugliest thing I've ever seen!

by windrunnerwolf115
A Bit Confused

Battle Duck or Rubber Duck?

by hooglemoofin
Smelly Nelly

"Lacks table manners."

by i_hate_backstabbers
88% Loopy

The day I've looked forward to...

by sk8rgal8387

Evil clouds. Wow.

by disturbeded_banana
The Unbelieveable

Can believe everything these days...

by x0xsammehx0x
The Mysterious Man Revealed!

Something has happened!

by plushie_patches
Out Of Order

Better be careful around that card shop...

by whitewhispers
All My Pretty Ones [v1.1]

Still the prettiest?

by mao_mau
Angie's Gift

Happy birthday!

by thorndie
Blumaroo Stories - What smell?


by zamrozona
Weird Neopia

Tural Inspection

by artnerd

An easier way to get your neopets into babies...

by wicked_dragonite
A Royal Pain

Attack of the Puns!

by auntfalcor
My Apparently Lovely "Family"

Catch, anyone?

by abcdefgustik
Over Exposure - A Change In Direction

Thank You Oh Wise One!

by apollyonsshadow
Search the Neopian Times


"Darkest of Diamonds" by icedesperado
Gradually, Scarblade's army of Pirates was driven back. A Grey Kacheek snarled in dismay as the Maraquans continued to take down her companions...

Other Stories


How Jhudora Got Her Cloud
Jhudora froze in her tracks and turned to look at the glowering Faerie Queen. Fyora was sitting at her desk with the inventory list half-unrolled before her...

by schefflera


Dane and the Terrible Meepit of Doom
"Wow, a surprise…" mumbled Dane unenthusiastically.

by blubblub317


50 Reasons the Evil Fuzzles Will Rule Neopia
Ever wonder what it was thinking about that made it smile like that? I'll tell you. It's thinking about total Neopian domination. Forget that amateur Sloth...

by _l_t_e_


Tips for Creating (Your Own) Neopets Names
But what’s this?! You haven’t even chosen a name for your Neopet yet? And I thought you were responsible!

by kuer


The Pirate Letter: Part One
You have not heard from me for months, but I still remember you like yesterday...

by czenko28


The Swashbuckler Within: Part Two
"Keep an eye on Herrami and Kaelou while I'm away," the Ixi had said, "and don't let them shred the furniture."

by mimed

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