teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 171,606,722 Issue: 178 | 18th day of Awakening, Y7
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Opps, wrong way!

by detective_edogawa

A comic about a Darigan Draik, and his life.

by queen_giggles
Pet in Training 2 - GRAAA!!!!

GGRAAAA!!!! My Grarrl's New Year's aspiration....

by shmntc


Also by Tambourine_Chimp

by huggsy_666

Soks- Where, Oh Where Has My Plushie Slorg Gone?

No Slorgs were harmed in the making of this comic.

by shimmeringstar224
White Weewoos Don't Exist!


by sakura_angel12
Picture Perfect #1

What are you, a Kadoatie?

by squandeh
Neo Nutters


by nano_cat
Never Better


by magdan1234
And the Meepits Outgrabe

She has LUPES!

by kittylin
OddBalls from the Space Station : Meridell

3 Things Never to Say in Meridell

by krawk_master4689
Hannah and the Ice Caves - Messed Up


by sapphire123208
Not Just Another Neopet

Brush up?

by everybody_say_moo

Is everything relative?

by kushbi
Adventures of a Musketeer Usul


Art by shadih_temporary

by johnandadam

Some "Prize"

Mystery prize?

by dudeimdude
Rotton Tomatoes

#1 Kadoatie Mishaps

by orangeneodrops
Be Careful With Your Pets...

Always follow instructions!

by reject98
Roy and Dramonti

Some people just get all the luck.

by dralora
~Kougra Tails~

Guess it wasn't the best first job... 0.o

by coolcat_ka
The Pet Patrol Revolution - Plushie

I'm surprised nobody did this earlier...

by neo_tomi
Virtu Agents

"Pounded partner"

by agentsaepenon
As Much as a Bori Can Take

Bori not included.

by kudou
Hyperbole Blues

Don't shoot the messenger...

by spidersheep
The Meaning of a Neopian Life


Art by silverqueengalaxia

by jerk_head

Rhetorical Answers

The answer is NO!

by floofeh_one
Search the Neopian Times


"Danae's Regret" by xxaquagalxx
Her smooth velvet dress rippled in the current of the wind as passers-by turned to stare at the beautiful Royal Aisha who was parading down the pathway...

Other Stories


A Story Of Two Unis
"You want to come with me after school to get my new Petpet? Maybe sleepover or something? It's a Friday, you know."

by mimidot


Horrors of the Bathroom
"Come on, guys," said Kat earnestly. "Now how bad can it be? It's not like it will drown, bite or smite us, right? It's just a toilet!"

by precious_katuch14


The Neopian Exaggerator: Jeran Caught in Chocolate Heist!
This week, the dedicated team of one, has worked hard to bring you some of the latest gossip on one of the most influential Neopians and discovered some startling facts. Who is this Neopet and what did they do?

by hermione32606


Your Groovy Guide to Extreme Potato Counter!
If you're tired of counting those boring potatoes in straight rows and columns, tired of counting as fast as you can, only to be told you're wrong, tired of that yellow Kacheek potato farmer, then it's time for you to try EXTREME Potato Counter.

by babyazndragon


The Case of the Invisible Incident: Part Five
"I've had an awful day, a rubbish case, got fired because my client - sorry, ex-client - thought I was rubbish at my job, and I just had to walk all the way home in the freezing snow, and all you can say is oh? Are you even human?"

by tambourine_chimp


Hannah Meets Hannah: Part Five
"It's pure magic," sighed Hannah. "I can't break it unless I have a magic wand or something…" She sighed lightly. "I wonder if Hannah Jewel is looking down at us right now…"

by alicia_jewel

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