Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 196,453,187 Issue: 907 | 17th day of Swimming, Y22
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A Scarab's Guide to Travelling Neopia

Many Neopians have written about travelling throughout Neopia, and you can find many brochures, guides, and books about all the lands in Neopia. However, what about from a Scarab’s point of view?

by nnpower888
The Neopian Times Series Spotlight — The Music Box

Hello Neopians, and welcome to the first-ever Neopian Times Series Spotlight! With eracina

by the__reporter
Required Reading: Booktastic Books

In this article, we’ll be chronicling some of the most interesting Booktastic Books out there!

by cherry_icee12
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Required Reading: Booktastic Books

They are a smart people up on Kreludor. How exactly do you think the Grundos managed to live on the moon? Take it from a Neopet species far more interesting and advanced than Neopians: there are cool things to be found on the moon. That goes for books, too! The Booktastic Book store, located on Kreludor, stocks an impressive collection of unique books. These books do not count for the traditional Neopian Book Award, but instead for the Booktastic Book Award. The Booktastic Book Award is a much smaller, cheaper collection of books, and the collection is full of fun, unique titles. In this article, we’ll be chronicling some of the most interesting Booktastic Books out there.

Other Stories


A cacophony of live music, excited chatter, enthusiastic laughs, and clashing dishes filled the Cascade Ballroom, the largest that Altador had to offer... Authors note: Special thanks to yuysister01 and lemongirl0 for your feedback!

by malisha9


Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder
Sekhegal snorts. Showed what these Neopians knew. All this good dung for the taking and everyone thought it was trash!

by aliceinwonderland18


Selected Volumes from Brightvale Library
This week we explore The Thieves Code - Otherwise Known as the Mysterious Book

by herdygerdy


Curse Of The Kookith
As much as Asha had tried to put her encounter with the Kookith behind her, she couldn't stop thinking about how weird the whole situation was...

by zuniak


BTRP: Ayla It'll Be Okay!
Your irregularly scheduled BTRP comic returns after a lengthy hiatus! Enjoy!

by gothicxmaiden


A Toy's Story
He's not a toy!Collaboration with xxautumnxx

by kieselcamper

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