Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 196,379,842 Issue: 904 | 12th day of Relaxing, Y22
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Unsung Heroes: Stories of Behind the Scenes Neopians

This is the first in a series of interviews conducted with a handful of Neopia’s unsung heroes – those who keep our world spinning (sometimes, quite literally!). From gardeners to engineers, these often thankless jobs are the backbone of the Neopian way of life.

by thebanditrocks
Gear up for your trip to this year’s Altador Cup

Altador Cup is just around the corner and Neopians from all across Neopia will head over to The Colosseum for a month’s fun of ballin’, cheerin’, slingin’ and shootin’. So, what exactly do you need to pack and bring from home for your trip to Altador? collaboration with jo_lsw2

by prada_prince
Invasive Species Threaten Volleyball Championships

With the month of Swimming fast approaching, one thing is on every Mystery Islander’s mind: The Mynci Beach Volleyball Championship Tournament. However, the recent influx of invasive Pawkeets and Turdles might forever change the sport as we know it...

by weee5067
The Poetry Contest: Frequently Asked Questions

So, you’d like to start entering the Poetry Contest? Great!

by _brainchild_
AC Coverage: Catching up with the Players

In an effort to provide the dedicated fans with more information regarding your favourite annual sporting event, the Altador Cup, we sat down with several players for a brief interview about how they have been preparing for this season...

by arcanemon11
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"The Prince's Decision" by fallingdaybreak
No one had spoken to him. So far, so good. Dinners at the castle always started with the same lecture from his father: “Sit and stand up straight, speak in a loud, clear voice, do this, do that.” It was always the same lecture every time, so much so that Jerreth had grown numb upon hearing it. It was almost as if he was being set up as a good example. But in every lecture, Jerreth explicitly remembered a singular phrase his father repeated: “Try not to embarrass me.” Jerreth sighed silently upon remembering it. Every time he said those cursed words, it sounded as if every move Jerreth made was an embarrassment. He would never please his father, nothing would ever be good enough for him.

Other Stories


Mending Fences
A short tale about forgiveness. Enjoy!

by nick_and_nickette


The Prince's Decision
An unhappy prince of Brightvale makes a choice that would forever decide his future and freedom.

by fallingdaybreak


The Music Box
"Are you really leaving, Filo?"

Elon hung in the back of the Maraquan locker room as Filo was saying his goodbyes. Elon was personally thrilled to have the nosy pain-in-the-neck gone, but the others seemed to be upset about it. He wasn't. Not at all. Not in the slightest.

by eracina


The Move
Will Hannah be able to fit her rambunctious family under one roof? Read on to find out!

by hannahcreep


Blossoms~ A Day Out Part 1
Nothing unusual for her.

by twillieblossom


Cute Thing

by surgerkitty

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