Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 196,098,192 Issue: 894 | 13th day of Running, Y22
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Going Totally Nuts For Turdles

Dedicated to the I like turtles kid; what is he up to these days?

by cinnamontea
The Top Ten gifts to give your Neofriend

Neopia is a bustling, energetic land full of endless activities for us to enjoy, from playing games to customization, exploring the different lands, and much much more. But of all of the things to enjoy in Neopia, in my experience the best part of Neopets is without a doubt making new neofriends to share those experiences with!

by riss_chan
Neolodge Review: The Cockroach Towers

re you tired of your same old boring routines? Or maybe just tired in general? Have you ever felt that you could be someplace else, meeting new people, trying new stuff, and having a little bit of fun and excitement? Or do you feel like you just aren’t getting the rest and relaxation that you know you deserve? If your answer to at least one of these questions is yes, then I know something that may just help with that!

by milestrong
An interview with Nilo

Right in the middle of Neopia Central, a bit hidden beneath the green trees that surround this busy and colorful land, a friendly Kacheek stands wrapped in blue, waiting for the next Neopian to come.

by chasingshadow
Top 10 Illusen Items to Celebrate Illusen Day!

Who doesn’t love the heartwarming and friendly Earth Faerie of Meridell, Illusen?Also written by milkshakes004 and masters_united

by breakeven
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"An Unlikely Friend" by Username
Most Neopets had been born, hatched, or made in Neopia. In fact, it’s almost unheard of for a Neopet NOT to come from Neopia. Most Neopets know what it’s like to be an outsider in other lands, but even if one land is strange to them, home isn’t far off. Starz was an Aisha. A species of Neopet found almost everywhere, except Starz was different. He had six ears and strange markings on his fur. He wore a full body suit from his homeland. His homeland also happened to be a strange planet far, far away from Neopia.

Other Stories


Victor the Gargoyle
A story about an eyrie who just wants to watch the sunrise

by rkbear


An Unlikely Friend
Most Neopets had been born, hatched, or made in Neopia. In fact, it’s almost unheard of for a Neopet NOT to come from Neopia. Most Neopets know what it’s like to be an outsider in other lands, but even if one land is strange to them, home isn’t far off.

by shiningarcheops


Avatar Goldmine
As Rysony slowly entered the Desert Tomb, not knowing what to expect he leaned his head backwards in awe, to embrace how tall these stone walls were... Edited by rabbits_forever

by wizzkid_


The River that Flows Eternal
When Rikti awoke, it was early morning. The sky outside was pinkish blue, crisscrossed by scudding clouds. He sighed, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, before massaging his neck. It was still sore after yesterday’s events.

by movie138music


Beauty in Malevolence
Every poogle is a cute poogle.

by i_am_kevin_james


Sketchy - Life-like Art
Art is leaping off the canvas!

by lennifer_jennifer2

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