Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 195,341,355 Issue: 843 | 12th day of Collecting, Y20
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Incredible Flash Game Music

Upon playing some of the older flash games in an attempt to get the avatar I begun to appreciate how incredible the soundtracks of the games are, so I decided to make an article on the musical themes we are so lucky to have in our flash games!

by m0nster_rancher
The Hardest Ever Neopets Quiz?

Do you know your Meepits from your Feepits? Can you name every Neopet species by heart? Remember the start date of every event? It's time to test your knowledge of Neopets. No cheating, now - find the answers off the top of your head, or not at all!

by ohsounicornly
Freaky Factory – My Vat Runneth Over


by frosted_chooch
A Guide To Quests Across Neopia

Want to go on a quest? No need to wait for the faeries to assign you one, there are several places across Neopia where you can meet characters in need of your help. Who are they, where can you find them, and is completing their quests worth the time and effort? Read on to find out.

by aleu1986
Dressing Up Your Eyrie

Eyrie Day has arrived and an amazing way to celebrate this joyous holiday is by giving your Eyrie a complete make-over.

Also by piece Suchrob

by pixeldream

Bori-Tastic Recipes

Are you ready for some Bori-tastic recipes to celebrate Bori Day this weekend? That's what I thought! It is that time of year where we get to reminisce on the awakening of the Boris, which were once buried deep under the ice in Terror Mountain. Oh, you haven't heard that story yet? Let's jump into that first, for some context:

by smoothie_king_xiii
Famous Boris Through History

All Boris deserve to be celebrated for Bori day! There are a few heroes...or villains...that deserve special attention on this day though and it is always important to know your Neopian past and what the greats have done for the world of Neopia.

by parshew
Cheap Ways To Make An Impressive Neopet

In a lot of ways, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and true beauty can only be found within, but when you hit the neoboards and everyone starts laughing at your basic Green Uni those ideas go right out the window with your self esteem. But what are you to do if you do not have a lot of neopoints, you spend your afternoons at the Soup Kitchen and a splurge treat for your pets is a single night at the roach hotel?

by luuuvmebabe
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Famous Boris Through History

All Boris deserve to be celebrated for Bori day! There are a few heroes...or villains...that deserve special attention on this day though and it is always important to know your Neopian past and what the greats have done for the world of Neopia. Below are some of the most unforgettable Boris that have crossed the lands and made their mark on history.

Other Stories


A Princess and Her Struggles
You will make a great Queen of The Lost Desert when the time comes...

by kalir


Where are you, Caramel?
The touch of sun rays coupled with its warmness woke me up earlier than usual. I’m not exactly a light sleeper; my older twin, Caramel, could vouch for my grogginess.

by kikiyomi


Petpetpet Wars
Wars rage across the face of Neopia every day. The pirates raid the city of Maraqua, while the forces of Darigan and Meridell clash with the hollow ring of steel upon steel. High in the skies above Neopia, the armies of the Resistance and Dr. Sloth duel on a daily basis.

by herdygerdy


The Rusty Ghoul Catchers:Part Three
Rusty and Caliidora woke up the next morning, still tired from the previous day’s events. Their feet still hurt from the endless amount of walking they had done.

by thederelkarak


Underdog Story
Everyone likes an underdog story...

by ketchup547


Book Collection
Wonder what they all hold?

by lunabeach

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