There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 195,197,181 Issue: 831 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y20
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Come Cook With Us: Altador Edition

For this week’s edition of Come Cook With Us, we’ve decided to take you to the heart of Altador and its culinary roots. With the Altador Cup is coming up very soon, we want to make sure that you know everything you need to know about how to prepare the best of Altador’s favourite dishes. Serve any one of these meals and no one will care if their team wins or loses the cup, they’ll be too distracted by your delicious cooking instead!

in collaboration with lauren92_k

by mel_liew_ming_li

Snaw's Guide to Acting Like a Major Boss NT Star!

I have compiled a list of the most essential qualities of anybody who has ever been accepted into the Neopian Times! Whether it’s one hundred entries or just a single measly one, having the right persona can make any of you wannabe losers into an NT Star worth noticing!

by downrightdude
25 New Avatar Ideas for the Avatar Obsessed

Avatars are one of the single most collectible rewards on the Neopets site and oftentimes the “status” of ones account is judged on how many avatars they have earned. Avatars were achievements before such a thing was mainstream.

by sick_swimmer
A Brief Guide To A Successful Altador Cup

The annual Altador Cup is here! The Altador Cup is a favorite event of many Neopians and they look forward to it each and every year. By now I’m sure you’ve already chosen who to support, whether it be the team you’ve been loyal to for years, or an underdog team you’ve never supported before. Everyone knows what the Altador Cup is, and how to participate. But do you know how to make the most out of it and have the most successful and enjoyable time? Here are my tips for the most successful and enjoyable Altador Cup experience this year!

by __anime__luver__
A Guide to Throwing a Great Altador Cup Party

This comprehensive guide was put together to helping you throw a perfect Altador Cup party!

by xiaolin10413
The Altador Cup Guide for First Time Players

Each Summer in Neopia brings the Altador Cup and we as Neopians need to prepare for it every year! However, if you have never experienced one you may not know how to prepare like veteran players! Well, look no further! I have prepared a guide for first time players and spectators!

also by 0bibi0

by indebtedness

8 Meridell Themed Wearables for the Altador Cup

Once a year, since the rediscover of Altador, we are pleased with Neopia’s greatest event: the Altador Cup! That said, it has become a tradition for a lot of Neopians to support their teams by customising their beloved Neopets with official clothing, trinkets and backgrounds made specifically for the event, such as team jerseys, flags, banners, make ups and many others. These items do a very good job when it comes to proudly baring your team’s logo and color schemes.

by rafa_potter
The Neoboards and YOU! - A quick guide to the boards

Over the years, the Neoboards have been a forum for the citizens of Neopia to gather and discuss whatever is happening on the site. Needless to say, the boards never completely covered all the possible topics, and they have grown to cover other topics than they were originally intended.

by 1337_masta
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"Hope For New:Part Three" by hazelsmartotop
"How did you...Toto….but Melissa…I thought that..." I had so many questions, and I couldn’t finish a single one. "I knew you had a backstory, so I went back to the pound and asked Merisol a few questions, which, believe me, she wasn’t so eager to answer. I tracked down Melissa and asked if she had a Neopet named Toto. She was shocked that I figured it out, and wanted to know why I asked. Trust me, it took a while to explain." Cherrie laughed. "Melissa said I could have Toto if I wanted, and paid a price—A large one, mind you. Toto took his books and Altachuck with him. And guess who else is here?" A teeny tiny croak was heard from behind Toto. "Milky? Milk Milk?" I was astonished. Milk hopped out from behind Toto and over to me and rubbed at my leg. "Melissa is so CRUEL! When I left I could already hear her calling the pound to see if they had any available animals. That stupid RUBY has been invading my personal space ever since he arrived, so I’m almost glad to be gone." Ruby had found his way to Melissa? It really is a small world. "Wow," I couldn’t speak. Everything was spinning and it was all hard to process, so I took a step back."You know what we should do?" Toto had a mischievous look in his eye. "Go to the Pizzaroo to CELEBRATE!!!" We shared a laugh; even Cherrie, although she didn’t know what we were laughing about, and we actually did go to the Pizzaroo. Milk got milk, Purrr got milk, Cherrie got pizza, Toto got pizza, and I got pizza.

Other Stories


A Letter to the Freaky Factory Thief
Dear Purple Grundo Sir,

Hello. I am a worker at what me and my coworkers have come to call the “Freaky Factory”, one of Krelufun’s toy factories. I have seen you there, on my shift, stealing toys from the line after I have just made them. I won’t ask you why you do such things, I only ask that you stop.

by moonandflowers


Hope For New:Part Three
“How did you...Toto….but Melissa…I thought that...” I had so many questions, and I couldn’t finish a single one.

by hazelsmartotop


The Shadow of Takeryuu:Part Eight
It was rainy and cool on the morning Eunji first saw the Imperial City. Built on a flattened mountain top, the sprawling complex of buildings was surrounded by a thick wall, on top of which tall banners flapped imposingly. Below, the mountain dropped off in sheer cliffs, its roots hidden in mists that swirled around it and the other pillar-like peaks in this mountain range.

by cosmicfire918


Return to Neo #03
Silent Treatment

by cami_v27


Wraithcon X - Weapons Wednesday
Nunya can create things out of anything he desires. And weapons are his specialty!

by krabbox

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