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Headlines "An Officially Unofficial Yooyu" by lissiekat10 I'm just your everyday, nondescript Petpet. My color is plain, the color that I was born with. I am not painted a special color and I'm okay with that. I enjoy all the same activities as any other Petpet: taking walks in the park with the other Petpets, being fed only the highest grade Petpet food available, and being pampered with toys, grooming items, and a nice cushy bed to curl up in at the end of the day. A comfortable and relaxed life definitely the life for me. That is all I want and all I will accept.
Oh. You've noticed, haven't you?
I am a Yooyu.
This fact has many implications that I can assure you are not true. I do not like to be handled, I do not like the loud cheering of the Altador Stadium and I most certainly do NOT like to be tossed about like some sort of ball! It's just not in my nature.
So, you may be wondering why a Yooyu would feel the way I do, and especially why I am making this known during the height of the Altador Cup season. Let me explain my past to you. I was a young Yooyu, just becoming large enough to be used as a ball but just under the standard size limit required for an official game of Yooyuball. Therefore, I was given to the children of a local school team as a plaything--the audacity, I know! But at the time I was actually ecstatic about being so important as to be used as a ball in such an important game, official or not! So I trained and worked out, practicing curling up into a tight ball and staying that way as I was tossed gently back and forth by my early handlers. It wasn't too bad, the landings were just a little rough. But I was ready to move on and hopefully size up so I could be considered for an official game. This kiddie game would be a breeze and then my real career would start!
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An Officially Unofficial Yooyu I'm just your everyday, nondescript petpet. My color is plain, the color that I was born with. I am not painted a special color and I'm okay with that. I enjoy all the same activities as any other petpet: taking walks in the park with the other petpets, being fed only the highest grade petpet food available, and being pampered with toys, grooming items, and a nice cushy bed to curl up in at the end of the day. A comfortable and relaxed life definitely the life for me. That is all I want and all I will accept.Oh. You've noticed, haven't you? I am a Yooyu.
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