Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 195,146,813 Issue: 826 | 4th day of Hunting, Y20
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Neoquest 2: Terror Mountain Sprint Through

Part 2 of Neoquest 2: Meridell Sprint Through

by califorthehomeless
A Outfits Guide for Hissi Day!

Hissi Fans from all over Neopia are always excited for every year Hissi Day! Today I bring some cool and different outfits for your precious Hissi(s)!

by qwerth_1
The Six Signs of the Faerieland Zodiac

The citizens of Faerieland are well known for their talents in magic, extending from healing spells to the telling of fortunes. The latter part comes in a number of forms, but perhaps the most popular is Faerieland's zodiac...

by scrappydont
The Proper Perspective

My acknowledgement that we're all a work in progress.

by karlynne1964
Come Cook With Us: Mystery Island Edition

Welcome to Come Cook With Us, where we take you on a culinary journey around Neopia! In this series, we are featuring delicacies from the wonderful and exotic Mystery Island! Take a look at our recipe book for what we believe to be the TASTIEST foods from this Neopian land! Make any of these items at your next dinner party, and you will surely be the talk of the town!

In collaboration with lauren92_k

by mel_liew_ming_li

Back From Hiatus... Now What?

Imagine this: the world has become a dangerous place and you must go into hiding. You must isolate yourself for the next year or two in hopes that the danger will clear out and it is safe to return home. The years fly by, and you’re now accustomed to this new way of living. But you miss your old home. The familiarity, the nostalgia – it calls you back. You don’t know what you’re up against, or if it even is safe to return, but you take the risk anyways. You emerge from the shadows, returning to your old land...

by _heart7
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The Proper Perspective

I'm fortunate in many ways. I have Neofriends that help me with various aspects of Neopets. I love to trade NC, battle in the Battledome, collect stamps, play games. I don't excel in any particular area but I don't feel like I fail in any either. It just takes the proper perspective. The other day a Neofriend obtained a lucrative paintbrush from a random event. Was I envious? You bet! Did I wonder why Jacko isn't visiting me? Yep! Did I wish her paintbrush was stolen by the Pant Devil? No, not really. WelI, I would have consoled her if it had happened at least. Another friend was given a nerkmid, another friend given a magical chia pop. I was becoming disgruntled because I wasn't even getting the random codestone or two but I decided maybe it was my negativity. I had gotten into a sarcastic rut that was coloring the way I viewed positive events happening to others. I decided to change my mindset.

Other Stories


Within the Archives: A Tea in Battle
"Are you going to war?"

by queen_potema


Far away on a hidden island there exists a rundown laboratory. Run by a sketchy looking Scorchio this lab contains marvels of technology that are unseen by both man and Neopet! Or… At least it was supposed to be.

Collaboration with beachotte

by kazel98


TWELVE Tips to Help You Succeed in Life:Part Nine

by downrightdude


Rasputin's Revenge:Part Two
"Citizens of Altador, please remain calm!" Nera waved her hands around, trying to get the attention of her loyal subjects. They were chattering among themselves, terrified and worrying over the sudden darkness that lingered over their past home.

by trishabeakens


Sauce Packets
Resist the temptation

by bobtehcat1


Random Oddness
But but you're a water pet...

by mistyqee

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