For an easier life Circulation: 195,074,773 Issue: 819 | 16th day of Running, Y20
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Celebrating Spring Break at Brightvale University

Spring break is just around the corner. Here's a few ways you can celebrate the occasion near BVU!

by parody_ham
Famous Reunions During Major Celebrations

Neopia has many celebrations all year around. Whether it’s only in one land or for all of Neopia, hundreds if not thousands are participating together in the festivities. However, for some famous Neopians, these celebrations are a bit more special as a reunion between family and friends occurs on that day. These

by pikachu315111
Celebrating Gadgadsbogen

What is Gadgadsbogen?

The month of Running is always cause for celebration on Mystery Island. Throughout the entire month, natives and tourists alike gather on the island to celebrate Gadgadsbogen. If you are wondering what Gadgadsbogen is, it literally translates to “good good day!”

by hectic_haley

Celebrating with Neocash: Balloon-Themed Wearables

Starring Florezca the Pink Draik, Nadaba the (less than sensible) Maraquan Draik, and Naydeen the Baby Korbat!

by _brainchild_
5 Ways to Improve Your Family Reunion Experience

Many of us are quite familiar with family reunions. But if you are one of those few who don’t know what a family reunion is like, well let’s just say they aren’t the most exciting events to attend, or plan for that matter.

In collab with bha288

by seismicfury

A History of Neopian Times Collabs

This is the tenth major collab for the Neopian Times, Celebrations and Reunions. But you might find yourself wondering what collabs preceded this one, and what got them started? Luckily for you, I was there, and can tell you the whole story.

Also by parody_ham

by june_scarlet

Bad Birthday Bites

Is your pet’s birthday just around the corner or perhaps in half a year? Either way, are you unsure of what to get for him/her when the time comes? Well, let me tell you that cake is a must on such a festive date!

by rurirawr
How to throw the best Neo party ever!

Hey there! We heard you’re planning to throw a party. You’ve already read Flotsam Party Ideas and Gelert Day Party Ideas, but you still need a little more inspiration. Whatever the occasion, whether it is a birthday, celebration, holiday, or simply to have a party, here is your one of a kind guide to throwing the BEST party Neopia has ever seen.

In collab with sunshine482

by k3l26

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Celebrating Gadgadsbogen

What is Gadgadsbogen? The month of Running is always cause for celebration on Mystery Island. Throughout the entire month, natives and tourists alike gather on the island to celebrate Gadgadsbogen. If you are wondering what Gadgadsbogen is, it literally translates to “good good day!” In short, Gadgadsbogen is a harvest of fruits, the most popular food group on the island. During the month, a number of new fruits sprout from the ground and replace the island’s older fruit. While ordinarily, you would think the natives know what fruits are going to emerge from the ground, this is not the case on Mystery Island. No one knows the shapes or kinds of fruits that will ripen during this festival, in fact, they are entirely new fruits to the island. When Cinto Pango names the fruits, Gadgadsbogen is officially over.

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Here Now
Cntral Cavern -as its name implied- was located in the heart of Moltara, sitting snugly between the maze of tunnels above and the pits of magma below. And because of its location, it was known as Moltara's go-to rendezvous point.

by blueys45


Bramble & Patches
Though it’s not common knowledge, there was a NeoPox outbreak that occurred a couple days before Lord Kass declared war on Meridell.

by butterflybandage


The Whispering Wail Sword:Part Six
Talzadon couldn’t get the voice out of his head. According to legend, it was the voice of the light fearie, guiding the hero towards righteousness. But could he be the hero?

by purplehopper


Over the flurry of green and cracked earth, a sliver of the deepest orange crept up over the chasm of Faerieland. It set the sky ablaze with oranges and pinks, and the glimmer of stars fell away. Darkened clouds absorbed the tint, now drifting without purpose. The light enveloped every angle of the stony slopes and enhanced the darkened valleys crevices.

by erroro


Who needs luck when you have cake?
Hands UP! Collab with sonsofan4rchy

by xox_hershy_xox


Wraithcon - Return
Two soldiers are reunited once again...

by krabbox

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