There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 194,835,986 Issue: 798 | 22nd day of Gathering, Y19
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Kelp Restaurant: The Secret Recipes

Secret menu? Please. We've got all the answers right here...

by happyinengland
The Most Thorough Gormball History Lesson, Part One

The best game there ever was and ever will be, Gormball is one of the earliest games in Neopia and has been adored by fans far and wide.

by mouseketeers
Guide to the Battledome: Avatar Opponents (Part 4)

Here, I’ll go over recommended pet stats, weapons, and strategies to defeat the Ghost Lupe, Kasuki Lu, Meuka, Black Pteri, and Space Faerie, all of whom reward an avatar.

by berzerkturtlez
Neopian Travel Guides - Shenkuu

Shenkuu has so much to offer, find out the ins and outs of all things Shenkuu

by jjensen688
Food Club for Amateur Foodies

For people wanting to start making their own bets, this article is for you. If you're interested in following someone else's bets, I'll have some tips on how to help with that, too.

by crazy_holly_ii
What's The Deal With Darigan Citadel?

Floating high in the sky above Meridell sits an ominous, shadowy land that many people fear. It seems to always be in a shroud of purple and black, and the history of the place is immensely terrifying.

by littlehector
Gaming Skeiths

Most Skeiths are not recognized for their gaming skills, but there are actually a surprising number of Skeiths featured in games. We are here to help you celebrate today to the fullest with all the gaming Skeiths, from well-known Skeiths like King Hagan and King Skarl to the lesser known ones like the blue one in Hungry Skeith whose name is unknown.

Also by blue_eyed_tiger_j

by wokitana

How to Achieve Your NeoGoals

You have a dream-a big, wild, elusive dream. It sits in the back of your mind. You might day-dream about it. Well say-dream no more. It is time to make that dream a reality!

by pempem9
11 Overlooked Spook-Worthy Wearables

Who said September was too early to start planning for the fright-fest we all adore?

by 09004888
The Faerie Festival Potluck: Land Quest Edition

There are many traditions the Faeries follow for the Faerie Festival, one being the potluck.

by pikachu315111
Festive Items to Put You in the Fall Spirit

These items range from fall décor to clothing items for our pets and beyond! Here’s a list of the items you’ll find me adoring all autumn long!

Also by _arkham_asylum_ and afsheen_27

by ilovemykitties12

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"Just a Bookish Aisha" by millyandsugar
Luna ran her finger along the rows of neatly-sorted books in the Brightvale Royal Library. There were books on making baskets, books on making stained-glass windows, books on bookbinding... Aha! She pulled down a heavy tome entitled Book Repair 101. Exactly what she needed in order to prepare for the celebration of the anniversary of the Discovery of Brightvale—many old books would be on display at the library this weekend, and Luna, as Royal Assistant Bookkeeper, was in charge of fixing them up before the big day, which was taking place in two days’ time. The young Blue Aisha sat down at a table stacked high with tattered-looking books. She opened Book Repair 101 to the first page, but no sooner had she done so when the door to the library burst open and King Hagan strode in. “Luna, thank goodness you’re here,” Hagan said, his forehead creased in a frown. Luna perked up. “Hello, Your Highness! Have you brought me a book to fix up?” Luna had only been Royal Assistant Bookkeeper for three months now, and she was eager to be useful. Hagan sighed and sat down at the table. “No, Luna. It’s the Scroll of Devastation. It’s gone.” Luna’s heart skipped a beat when he completed his sentence. She had heard that Hagan kept several scrolls locked away in his personal chambers. If read aloud, they would unleash extremely powerful spells. “Gone?” Luna repeated. “Your Highness, I must have misunderstood—” Hagan shook his head. “This morning, when I opened the chest where I keep the scroll, it was empty. Only very powerful magic could have broken the spell on that chest. All that was left was a note.” Hagan slid a piece of paper across the table towards her. Luna picked it up and read it silently. Darigan Citadel will rise as an Empire. Surrender by nightfall tomorrow, or there will be consequences. A shiver ran through her spine. “But the Scroll of Devastation contains a spell to—to—” She knew what this scroll could do, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it.

Other Stories


"I'm going to fly to Kreludor on my own two wings," Tresapeake said, and there didn't exist a word or phrase in the Neopedia that could dissuade her.

by goldmoon_


Faerie Origins: The Dung Faerie
The faerie she was speaking to was gazing out in the opposite direction, facing the many acres that stretched out before her bewildered eyes.

by butterflybandage


Funny Faerie: Part Two
Erana held the tourist map out in front of her. Neopia Central was quite far away from her home in Faerieland, and it was much farther away from home than Erana had ever been before.

by trixietrotter


The Poossession: Part one
Huval stared at the ruins of his town in horror. Every home had been ransacked, and most of them were missing several valuables.

by ag1228l


Bob Misses Sid
Bob is reminiscent after a good days work at the battledome.

Also by rivera_ice_princess

by eenlee


A Weewoo's Wish Pt 3
I'll try again tomorrow...

by mucka33

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