Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,803,276 Issue: 796 | 8th day of Gathering, Y19
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Tyrannian Concert Hall: Who's Playing? Part 2

The rest of the bands!

by mouseketeers
What To Do?: Neopia Central

Neopia Central is the bustling heart of Neopia, it is the center of commerce and the gateway through which we all entered the Neopia world. It is often taken for granted but Neopia would not be where it is today without the bright and friendly attitude the city offers to us all.

by trixietrotter
Guide to the Battledome: Training (Part 2)

Welcome back to the second installment of this series. Here, we’ll go through the rest of training your pet up to become a monster, as well as Faerie Abilities.

by berzerkturtlez
Top Secret Smoothie Recipes!

Cheers to a great Summer! *clinks glass*

by happyinengland
A Veteran's Guide to Neopets

For somebody who’s been around on Neopets for fifteen years, it’s weird to think that there are still things for me to do. It’s been challenging, but there are a few pools I’ve yet to dip my toes into.

by vicunas
In Defense of Mutant Grundos

It’s that time of year again. The end of this month brings us the Grundo Independence Day, and a day after, as if to add insult to injury, Mutant Day is observed.

by snail_speed
Back to School - Neopets Style!

By following this guide, you and you pet will be ready to joyfully learn, grow, and succeed. Read on to find out how!

by juliakare
The Neopian's Guide to Kelp

You may ask, why should, you, the everyday Neopian know about Kelp?

by lonely_love
Food Tour: Quest for Exciting Eats

For those who are willing to experience the best food Neopia has to offer, I'm presenting to you places that do not simply serve you your dish, but also provide you a unique dining experience so fantastic you'll go home wondering how it was possible you spent these past months reaching absolutely none of your goals.

Also by seismicfury

by table

A Shameless Plug About Neopets Premium

I'd like to start this article with a disclaimer. This is a shameless plug written by a satisfied Neopian.

by tiedlights
The Best Ways To Declutter

We've all gone into our Safety Deposit Box and felt completely overwhelmed by the amount of items we have stashed away inside.

by lefaii
Types Of Gift Box Capsules

Who says you can only give and receive presents during December?

by ellaisback
Top 10 Gifts for the Knitter in Your Life

This guide offers a great range for a Neopian with any sort of budget. From books to supplies to wearables, we cover everything in the knitting community.

by freeread
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"Team Mutant" by hshtagcoffee
Neovia is nice in that it’s home with a hint of sophistication. Part of the Woods in everything but name, it’s a quiet haven within the safety of home’s walls. Unlike his brothers who had come to the Woods much later than him, he can remember a time when the town hadn’t quite been rediscovered and yet hardly remembers life without it. The tamer hustle and bustle than that of the Fairgrounds. The friendly inhabitants with a Haunted Woods twist. Neovia is a shining gem nestled within a diamond in the rough. Everything about it fills him fuller with pride for his home. Even better is its familiarity and comfort with its neighboring residents. He doesn’t receive the looks so common anywhere else outside of the Woods. Not from Neovia natives anyways, although the classy atmosphere makes it a hotspot for out-of-towners who otherwise wouldn’t step foot in the Woods. That’s the thing that gets to him. Their looks that say so much more than they’d ever dare aloud. As if he and his brother and the others like them who call this place home are out of place. Intruding by daring to exist so blatantly. “I tried to get a reservation for Friday at that cafe we like,” he overhears, not really intending to eavesdrop but certainly not trying his hardest to ignore it. From beside him, he sees Ray’s ears perk in interest. By nature, they’re both busybodies. For them, there’s not much better than pet watching in Neovia on an early fall afternoon. Yaz, tucked between them on the bench they’d claimed as their own this morning, tunes in at their interest. He seems less inclined to care about the going-ons of other pets though Jax couldn’t say if that came from his age or his general disposition. The culprit is a Cybunny, bright flowers blooming from her neck contrasting so abruptly with the muted tones of the town’s natural flora. He can hear Yaz identifying the species under his breath, ever the enthusiast. They don’t see a whole lot of tropical flowers around here and Yaz has spent very little time out of the Woods. Her companion, an Eyrie beautiful like the night sky, hums in acknowledgement and encourages her to continue. They make quite a picture, popping from the diluted background of town. Jax can’t help admire them in their uniqueness. They stand out here but they are beautiful and he appreciates beauty in whatever form it presents itself.

Other Stories


The Lost Crystal of Krawk Island
Let me begin the story by saying Seth was no ordinary Skeith. He was not grumpy, or obnoxious, in fact he was happy, and filled with knowledge.

by salpal26


Team Mutant
It's Mutant Day! Only the happiest time of year for this writer so I present this as a token of my love.

by hshtagcoffee


The Princess of Flowers: Part Seven
Unfortunately, we may never know the truth...

by downrightdude


There Goes That Man and His Kite: Epilogue
Perhaps this was meant to be the slightly-less-than-grand finale of my adventure. Perhaps it was time for me to bring my kite-scapades to a humble close.

Art by chasing_stars44

by dewdropzz


Today I learned! Book 4
Learning is fun - book 4 of 9.

Also by fluffyluloo

by syariesx


That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles: The Return
The side account squad suffer from hiatus!

by pikemaster1

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