Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,605,131 Issue: 779 | 28th day of Eating, Y19
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Shoyru Toyru!

Feeling blue about the upcoming April showers? Maybe you are a bit saddened by the idea of having to stay indoors to avoid the wet weather and you aren't really sure what to do with yourself? Fret not young Neopian!

by doglover3662
Owning Only One Pet

This confuses a lot of players, "why do they only have one pet?" There are actually many reasons for this, all unique to the player.

by fippinator
How to Get Published in the Neopian Times

This step-by-step guide will help you create awesome articles for the Neopian Times so you can get published!

by dragonsfriend1021
A Guide to Berry Bash: The Grandest Bogen of All

Mystery Island has recently opened up a restaurant and needs the help of Rufus, the Grand Bogen, to make sure it's a big success.

by faeriequeenoffire
The Kadoatery: How to Time Keep

You know those wonderful people that keep track of the times on the Kadoatery boards? Well we are here to teach you just that! You will be a timekeeping pro in no time at all!

Also by vltra_svr

by djleclair

Book Shops Of Neopia

Even if your pet excels in brawn over brains, keeping them well rounded in all aspects will help them succeed. Let's get into where you can find these books

by katietease
Lutari Retirement- Paradise or Hard work?

Have you ever wondered what retirement actually consists of? Lutaris can’t possibly just disappear into an endless void? Can it? Well worry no more, here at the Neopian times we’ve investigated all over Neopia to figure out exactly what happens what a Lutari does in order to avoid the clutches of Dr_death.

Also by ilovemykitties12 and hermionemagi

by yashasvika

Beginner's Guide to Font-Making, #2!

Hello again! My name is Aya and I’m back to tell you even more tips and tricks to get the font you want on the Neoboards.

by ayakae
Neopia’s Best and Worst Dressed Cybunnies!

*This does not denote Miss Prickles’ personal preference towards or against any listed or non-listed Cybunny*

by spukl1

This week, or more specifically, on the 27th day of the Month of Eating, we celebrate Cybunny Day. It’s that one special day of year where everyone on Neopia takes a moment to come together and appreciate the companionship of those lovely pets that we call Cybunnies.

Also by dragondancer007

by mazaii_3

Kolorful Kougras: Neopia's Top Fifteen Varieties

I am here to honor this underrated species by recommending the top fifteen Kougra colors out of all the choices that exist.

by _brainchild_
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This week, or more specifically, on the 27th day of the Month of Eating, we celebrate Cybunny Day. It’s that one special day of year where everyone on Neopia takes a moment to come together and appreciate the companionship of those lovely pets that we call Cybunnies. So, in preparation of this upcoming celebration, we’ve decided to make you a ranking of items that are vital to the understanding of Cybunnies.

Other Stories


The Stones of Bragh
She would much rather be exploring the forest, or climbing trees. Delivering bread was monotonous and lacked excitement. The only deliveries Salna enjoyed were to Saal, who always invited her in for tea and stories.

by alphabet345


Speedy the Slorg
"Go! Go!" Zarah squealed, balling her paws up into fists in excitement, "you can do it, Speedy! I believe in you!"

by tawnihart1739


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Vanished: Part Four
I didn't like going anywhere that involved going under Neopia's surface. Whether it was a cave, a catacomb, even underground tunnels, I preferred to stay out of them. Let me just say that I haven't had the best experiences with these places.

by chasing_stars44


Return to Lynwood: Part Ten
Suhel hated getting sick. But this was a sickness like nothing she had ever before experienced.

by cosmicfire918


What is he thinking about?
Probably nothing so glamorous.

by arijuka


In Celebration of Cybunnies
It's Cybunny Day!

by loraloral24

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