For an easier life Circulation: 194,210,868 Issue: 748 | 9th day of Gathering, Y18
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Draiks from A to Z

Just in time for Draik Day, I bring you another edition of my Neopets A to Z series. This time we look at the amazing, brave and dashing Draiks! Let`s get started!

by aleu1986
How Do YOU Organize Your Pets?

Wanting to come up with some creative ways of showing off my pets, I asked the Neoboards how THEY organize the pets on their accounts. Which pets go on which accounts, and why? And how long did it take them to get every pet placed juuust right? I got many interesting replies!

by indulgences
Overlooked Neopians: Kauvara

In the heart of the Neopian shopping district is Kauvara’s Magic Shop. The owner and shopkeeper of Neopia’s most popular Magic Shop is the titular Kauvara. Kauvara works tirelessly to open the doors of her shop each morning and provide Neopian consumers with top quality magical items and potions.

by trixietrotter
A Comprehensive Guide To Turmac Roll

Greetings, Neopian travelers! If you've ever visited the exquisite land of Meridell, you've probably heard of a popular game called Turmac Roll. But what exactly is this game, how can you play, and how can you win?

by carrieantonia
Four Things to Consider When Cross-Painting Your Pet

With the advent of removable paint brush clothes, cross-painting your Neopet has become the premier way to help develop its personality or give a much needed accent to your customization ideas.

by shakespeariantragedy
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Draiks from A to Z

Just in time for Draik Day, I bring you another edition of my Neopets A to Z series. This time we look at the amazing, brave and dashing Draiks! Let`s get started! A Avatars Other than the default Draik avatar which is available to all players automatically, there are four others you can earn. Draik – Hathced, HT Richest, Escape From Meridell Castle and Mutant Draik – Back Off! Altador Cup Players Draiks represented in the AC include: Cawley Embith, yellow male playing for Altador, Crade Talvos, male wraith playing for Haunted Woods and Luvea Trivon, red male playing for Lost Desert.

Other Stories


They Called Him Dr. Death
His name hadn’t always been an omen. It was hard to remember it now, and trying felt strange, the syllables foreign and distant. He could see who the name belonged to, picture himself, a young Techo, bright-eyed and eager.

by erikakaiser


The Gobbler's Egg
A short story based on my baby Pteri, Fizzlers. A stray Gobbler finds an egg and vows to take care of it!

by merrick_twoford


Undead Rising: Part Five
“So do you think that Edward could be the Sun Warrior?” Zeena poked gently at Edward’s amulet, causing the Lenny to flinch a little and pull away. Fyora closed the book, handing it to Bernard. “Whether or not that is true remains to be seen. You must take the amulet to Altador to speak with Jerdana."

by yoshisislandbandit


The Price of Greatness: Part Four
The hulking Gnorbu advances rapidly, visceral cries of rage oozing from his misshapen lips. Despite the imminent danger, your first thought is to question whether or not mutants brush their teeth. Your companions are cowering behind you, too paralysed with fear to move.

by xxskyisfallingxx


Risky Omelettes
I immediately regret this decision.

by x0x_gina_x0x


Fang, Syl and The Turmaculus
Next time I'll cover him in cranberry sauce...

by ugly_llama003

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