Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,201,769 Issue: 747 | 2nd day of Gathering, Y18
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Things That Are Magic To Our Ears!

I thought that a fun idea for a Neopian Times article would be all the times that we jump up and down with joy every time a player does something heroic, generous or kind. What are the ways in which our fellow players fill us with gratefulness and excitement?

by indulgences
I Tried Gross Foods So You Don't Have To

Doctor's note: The author is still recovering.

by bizniscorg
Throw Together Cooking

Here you'll receive step-by-step training on how to take the most commonly given out daily food stuffs, and make them into something even Kelp waiters would eat on a Tuesday night after getting home from a long shift.

by queen_potema
Overlooked Neopians: The Soup Faerie

But as the Faerie Festival approaches it’s time to begin to celebrate the Faeries and all they do to aid Neopia. But amongst the Space Faerie, Fountain Faerie and all the rest there is one faerie that frequently goes overlooked.

by trixietrotter
How To Be A Successful PC Trader: Realistic Version

Just a guide about PC trading with a side of salt. :D

by jokerless
Erin's Extreme Avatar Guide: Chia Bomber 2

Chia Bomber is a simple action game with a couple of fun little twists. It took me a while to master this game and its frustratingly difficult later levels, but learning the intricacies and different strategies for achieving the avatar score was an adventure.

by krazypinkgurl
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I Tried Gross Foods So You Don't Have To

If you or your pet have ever looked at a gross food and wondered who would eat it, I’m here to answer that question. If you haven’t ever asked that question, I’m sure you did before deciding to read this article, and yes, I’m still going to answer it. I wanted to try a few gross Neopian foods, so I went shopping, grabbed whatever stood out to me, swallowed my pride, and hoped for the best.

Other Stories


The World Beyond Meerca Chase
“Game over! Here are your Neopoints!” Alistair grinned until the latest player walked away, carrying a pouch of shiny Neopoints, and then sighed and placed his head in his paws. This was not an easy task for a Meerca, but he managed it somehow.

by lunarchronicles


Finding the Right Place
The best places are where our close friends are.

Also by joslucca3000

by sky_lady


Defender Scarlet Shadow in the Deathly Mission: Part Two
The coordinates led to a place around the middle of the Lost Desert, so the figure's story matched up so far. Now Sopherie just needed to go there and see if there was actually a tomb at those coordinates. Sopherie got some sleep in the afternoon and waited until it was after dark, then she dressed into her Defender uniform

by orisasda


Desert Requiem: Part Twelve
By good fortune, there was an entrance to the Temple of a Thousand Tombs near the vicinity of Tuzra. By an even greater stroke of fortune, the entrance was only a few hours from Ramseth's Vault. They arrived at the chamber well before midnight.

by kalnya


Gargarox Has A Poor Strategy
Perhaps that's not the best idea...

by x0x_gina_x0x


An Extraordinary Weapon : Fur Boots
Who said you can't win a battle in a pair of designer boots?

by starsbc

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