For an easier life Circulation: 193,626,794 Issue: 703 | 16th day of Collecting, Y17
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Autumnal: Top Five Autumn Items Guide - Petpets

Get to know about the top five Autumn items in Neopia!

Also by morifoy

by sosunub

Five Avatar Collecting Pitfalls

In this article, I will take you through the five most common problems I have seen collectors face—problems that I have run into multiple times along my journey, and that I continue to face. For each problem, I will offer a solution that I have found to be consistently successful. If you keep these points in mind, you too can achieve the Avatar Collector Avatar!

by gumgum101230
The New Restocking System Explained

Shops used to keep the same old junk in stock forever, taking up the four rows so nothing good could restock. Therefore, people would spend their hard-earned Neopoints on garbage to deliberately make space so good items could stock. This was deemed a problem, and the auto-clear system was born.

by _brainchild_
Pyramid Scheme: A Guide to the Card Game

You have been travelling for days without water, with the sun beating down on your weary skin. You’ve already swatted the bugs away in Swarm, dragged your opponents across the ground Tug of War and in the distance you can finally see your destination ahead of you. A great golden pyramid rises up before your eyes… Alternatively, you typed ‘Pyramids’ in the games room search bar, either way – you made it here, and now you’re ready and raring to win yourself that golden trophy!

by luv4free
Guilds: A Matter of Size

Have you ever been in a guild before? If so, you will probably know that guilds have many different sizes, which is reflected by the amount of members currently in the guild. However, whether a guild is small, large or even medium is, for the most part, subjective. 

by vanillerrybeitje
The 100% Serious, Completely Factual, Not Satirical Guide!

Are you tired of watching all of your friends’ show of their cool dung? Are sad that you are not fast enough to grab that dung in the Money Tree? Are you too poor to buy dung off other lucky dung owners? If so, this 100% serious, completely factual, guide is right for you!

by rube_226
The Problems of Protesting Weewoos

There’s discontent brewing within the generally peaceful Weewoo community. The Coalition for Embitterment, a Weewoo-run group based in Krawk Island, organized public protests after filing a petition against the Neopian Times early last week.

Also by sasaki_kyomi

by agentm005

The Greatest Game Ever Played (Probably)

I feel like I owe you all something a bit personal, deeper—some sort of reflection on myself as your fellow Neopian, y'know?
* * *
Month of Hiding, Day 24, Y15, 9:20 AM. If I was ever awake this early, it was because I'd already been up all night and I still wasn't ready to surrender to my brain's aggressive melatonin assault.

by 4zure
Neopia's Most Beloved Trophies

Each game comes with a prize to the highest scorers – a unique trophy that captures the spirit and challenge of the game. We will be taking a look at the game trophies that best represent the games they are awarded for, as well as tips on how to add these lovely trophies to your collection!

Also by lute248

by sakurah_rabbit

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Five Avatar Collecting Pitfalls

As an experienced avatar collector, I have run into many roadblocks along my journey, and after reading the stories of other avatar collectors, I have found that they have had similar problems. In this article, I will take you through the five most common problems I have seen collectors face—problems that I have run into multiple times along my journey, and that I continue to face. For each problem, I will offer a solution that I have found to be consistently successful. If you keep these points in mind, you too can achieve the Avatar Collector Avatar!

Other Stories


I'm Going To Make Things Right
I stood in the doorway of my safety deposit box. Clutter filled every inch, items ranging from old Neggs to 500,000 Neopoint scrolls saved from my earlier years. My Neopets stood silently in the doorway, taking in the mess. “AAAA-CHOO!”

by jrayeb3


Like Falling Asleep
“Is she coming back?” Marya asked. “Of course she is,” Caden said. “She loves us.” “Then where is she?”

by esthers123


And Then There Was Silence: Part One
"Though he couldn't turn from the light, the loss of his love broke him. His heart grew cold and he learned the arts of death. When he was encountered again, he had changed from a warm person into a ruthless assassin." -Unknown author, The Nameless Assassin, text found in the Rathbone Family Crypts, circa Y7

by theschizophrenicpunk


Turning Pages: Part Five
Stephanie woke slowly, blinking her eyes to adjust to the near darkness surrounding her. Where am I? Her head ached as she took in the sight. It was a large empty, field. Everything else was gone. How did I get here?

Also by parody_ham

by warriorsrock965


Questing with Edna
She's gotta look stylish to do her spells, ok?

by milkbear


Ink: As Black as Ink - Part 2
There's been a lot of missing petpets lately.

by june_scarlet

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