teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 193,064,531 Issue: 678 | 30th day of Sleeping, Y17
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Three Thousand Neopoints: Food

Okay, breakfast! It's the most important meal of the day, so I'm going to start my Neopets off right...

by pixiegirl667
Juicing Meepits

Meepits are usually viewed as creepy and terrifying, and whilst they may appear intent to cause you harm when you bump into one, maybe they're just thirsty?

by asparagation
The Case for More NT Item Prizes

Many Neopians enjoy reading the Times as well as, or instead of, creating for it.

by ellbot1998
Volcano Run II: Detailed Game Breakdown

Luckily, there are a few key strategies that can make attaining a trophy go from nearly impossible to quite doable with a little time and practice.

by crazyace01
Underappreciated Yooyus

Do you feel underappreciated? These Yooyus do.

by goodsigns
Treat More than Your Active this Valentine's Day!

With February right around the corner, there is a single question looming in the air. How do I show the one I care for most how much I appreciate them?

by enticing
Celebrate in Style - Jhudora Day

Neopians everywhere know that Jhudora Day is fast approaching, and this evil faerie expects nothing less than a superior celebration.

by mreilynne
Jhudora Reviews Illusen’s Glade Rewards

What are Jhudora's opinions on Illusen's quests, specifically on the rewards that she gives?

by pikachu315111
Search the Neopian Times


"The Wallet: A Play in One Act" by havittaa
Setting: A quiet afternoon at the Grand Neopian Lodge. There is a circular table surrounded by four chairs three feet from the check-in counter. DOBREV, TINA, MRS. EDDY, and PRICE fill the four chairs around the table...

Other Stories


Phylesia: The Truth
There was a war that was between the Vandagyres and the Faeries.

by heartachexoxo


Friday: Just Hysterics
Far away in the land of heroes and legends lay Meridell, an almost forgotten medieval kingdom.

by vanquishee


The Scientist's Apprentice: Part Four
"I hit my head," Darren groaned, rubbing at his scalp. His eyes were screwed up in pain. "What... happened? Did it not work?"

by vanessa1357924680


Life Through the Eyes of a Lab Rat: Part Two
After staying so long with Helen, it was hard for me to be alone in the pound again.

by _biimy


Island Troubles
Can you tell me how to get to Krawk Island?

by artemislknight


Adventures of Pompiru
Join in on a cute little Christmas Vandagyre's life and his misadventures with his owner Pan.

by panpori

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