There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 192,739,456 Issue: 659 | 22nd day of Hiding, Y16
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Faerie Abilities Guide Series: Level 400

This week, we are examining the Level 400 abilities. Each of these abilities will cost you 120 Faerie blessings of their respective elements.

Also by woccawoccawocca

by dragonsfriend1021

Mostly Mutant - How To Be Mutant And Fabulous!

I'm sure you're wondering how a mutant can be as beautiful as I am...

by goodsigns
The Elusive Usukicon Goodie Bag

As the Annual Usuki Doll Convention rolls around the corner, Neopians everywhere are wondering the same thing: What will we find in this year's goodie bag?

by mreilynne
Neopets Slump Solutions โ€“ Get Motivated Now!

I've encountered a few "slumps" and I've figured out many strategies to overcome them. There are ways to get inspired or motivated to push forward or try new things...

by saiphami
The Best Wearable Items From The Last Twelve Months!

Among all of them, which ones are the most loved and used, and can't absolutely miss in your closets?

by martia_elior
Happy 14th Birthday Neopian Stock Market!

Created on August 24th, 2000, the stock market is one of the oldest games in Neopia.

by dark_shadow202020
Monstrous Mutants

What I personally consider to be the most monstrous and awesome Mutant Neopets.

by aleu1986
The Various Kinds Of Mutant Neopets

The various kinds of metamorphosis a Mutant Neopet can go through...

by pikachu315111
Desert Diplomacy - Fun Facts!

I got round to thinking about a few pointers with the rulers and maybe the palace in Sakhmet itself.

by machinexcaatxhead
Above Neopia: A Grundo Independence Day Tribute

It's August 23rd! In just a few hours, a very special holiday known as Grundo Independence Day will start.

by clairemac10000
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"Children of the Lonely Stars" by saphira_27
They managed to run "The Asteroid's Call" and "Aurorae" before rehearsal ended โ€“ as usual, Marcus thought that the nine-o'-clock bell on the station was a cue for "one last run of measures 35-60." Subi wished they'd gotten to sing "Lay of the Star-Mariner" โ€“ that was her favorite movement in the entire Nocturnes...

Other Stories


The Important Lesson
Once upon a time there was an adorable baby Shoyru named Cal.

by chibi_neechan


Clouds were strange things, especially on a beautiful day that threatens to change.

by psychedelicreature


Chronicles of the Council: The Hunter - Part Three
Sitting on the peak of the Eastern Mountains the following morning, Altador daydreamed about the small Kyrii of Vesack...

by pillsi


Agent of the Sway: Resistance - Part Five
"I represent a group with certain... interests," Clayton said. "Once upon a time, that interest was the destruction of Sloth's fleet."

by herdygerdy


An Error In Your Favour
Lucky you!

by scathachs


What Bugs Me
Yep, that's true.

by oddmavis

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