Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 192,270,801 Issue: 639 | 4th day of Eating, Y16
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Why Play HTML?

There are many advantages to playing HTML games! Here's just a few...

by logic_fail
Permanent Pets: Do They Even Exist Anymore?

After asking the PCers themselves what keeps them from trading off their beloved pets... It was quite shocking to see their responses!

by calliegraphy
Customisation Tips and Must-Have Items!

I've compiled a list of dos and don'ts to aid you in your path to creating your perfect customisation.

by jo_eccentric
The Mini Guide to Faerie Quests

Calm down, don't panic, and keep reading.

by xxlifexdeniedxx
Petpetsitter: The Game Guide

Your job as a professional Petpetsitter is to provide Mrs. Williams's petpets with proper care and attention whenever they require it.

Also by trashindustrial

by drobit

Dealing With Neopian Deflation

The Neopian economy has always been an inflating one.

by rider_galbatorix
10 Overlooked Dailies that You Need to Add

There are plenty of lesser-known places in Neopia that can be very profitable if you know where to look!

Also by laulaukins

by venused

Possession Makes The Heart Grow Fonder?

At the time of the writing of this article, the Neoboards are buzzing with the latest prank by TNT -- random "foster pets" showing up on our accounts, courtesy of the tricksters at TNT...

by indulgences
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"That Great Hunger" by cosmicfire918
"I want this food," the Werelupe King insisted. They'd been following for hours the aroma of something salty and savoury and mouthwatering. It had piqued his interest as soon as he smelled it. From there, the hunt was on. It was true that he tasked his thanes with collecting tribute, but he was a Werelupe, after all, and the thrill of the chase...

Other Stories


Too Brave By Far
He had all the time in the world to scout this place out.

At least, until the light of the lantern died...

by breakingchains


What is this Thing Called April Fool's?
Mermaid-Isca, a cloud Aisha, walked into the Altadorian Archives on a mission – no, not to solve the mystery of the Darkest Faerie statue in the Hall of Heroes.

by aisha_enchantress110


Agent of the Sway: Discovery - Part One
Hanso stepped off the boat, wrapping his coat around him to protect against the wind that flung the desert sand at his face.

by herdygerdy


Ballad of the Faerie's Champion: Stagnation - Part Two
It was decidedly unsettling for Gary to look in the mirror and find a stranger's face staring back. After seventeen years of looking in the mirror and seeing a yellow furred face, he knew it would be a long time before he stopped being startled by the blue one...

by shinkoryu14


The Goofers - Night Guest
Those must be some really bad scones...

by lintsuf


Reality of REs: An Unintentional Prank
Jhudora's a natural trickster, isn't she?

Also by oracle419

by ribbonpig

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