A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 192,150,568 Issue: 632 | 14th day of Awakening, Y16
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The Best Female Pets for Customizing

We've compiled what we think are the best female pets to customize.

Also by unplan

by brucas188

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, it's time to spread the love and give your pets and Neofriends gifts that will leave them smiling until next Valentine's Day!

by homestead58
Gift Ideas For Your AntiValentine

What if you need a way to show someone how unappreciative you are of them?

Also by bha288

by drobit

Dressing Your Male Neopet for Valentine's Day

There are only a few male garments that are suitable for an important event like this, so we decided to make a short list of male items, from the hat to the shoes, in order to help every male Neopets who wants to have the perfect outfit...

Also by martia_elior

by amarillida

6th Annual Neopies Acceptance Speeches

The 6th Annual Neopies have recently ended and all the voted winners have gotten their Neopies. It's time to go to each one and hear their acceptance speech...

by pikachu315111
Valentine's Day - Spread The Joy

It is Valentine's Day, and LOVE is in the air!

by alexrider4568
Top 10 Valentine's Day Treats

Ah... Valentine's Day. A day of love, candy, pink, candy, red, candy, and candy.

by fairygold
Last Minute Gifts!!

Don't worry, there's still time! We'll help you!

Also by therainbowsheep

by suspensiion

What To Do When You're Alone On Valentine's Day

I've compiled a list of ten fun things to do to occupy your time and forget about being alone this Valentine's Day.

by jo_eccentric
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AntiValentine Gift Ideas

Valentine's Day is traditionally a day for showing your loved ones how much you care, showering them with thoughtful gifts and attention. But what if you need a way to show someone how unappreciative you are of them? We've managed to find some rather peculiar items to show your special someone how unappreciative you are of them this Valentine's Day...

Other Stories


Learning Curves
Listen. Right. As though teachers listened to students.

by flufflepuff


Roses and Chocolates
"What FOR?" Hanso groaned. He definitely didn't like the looks of where this was going. Whenever that female street thief came along, so did her hot-tempered, grumpy, and scary... uh... intimidating husband.

by melina322


Friendship Means Never Giving Up: Part Three
"You did your best, Breezey, and that's all anyone could really ask for..."

by noxlyx


Seeking Love: Part One
No one should feel as bad as she clearly did – and especially not on Valentine's Day.

by fairyxhearts


Status: Being taught how to glorp by a Gelatinous Non-Cube.

by chemoi


The Moehug

Written by oo_luckey_duckey_oo

by shehadaname1

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