Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 191,030,080 Issue: 594 | 10th day of Hunting, Y15
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Fit For Summer: Healthy Food Plan

In this article, I'll help you come up with a food plan you can implement to get ready for the beach.

by blessed_faerie
The Season of Writing

Notebooks, journals, diaries! There are so many to choose from – an endless variety for every taste and style one might imagine.

by absol_wolf
What We Love About Neopets: The Stock Market

This article is not a guide to the Stock Market. In this article, I will be outlining why it is that you, the average Neopian, should be using the Stock Market to increase the stability and sustainability of your Neopoints income.

by sanosarah
A Guide to Writing a Series

If you're looking for something to write for the Neopian Times, one section you should look at is series.

by rider_galbatorix
Account Refurbishment

Help is at hand! Follow these simple steps and shake those cobwebs off forever!

by heart_of_sword_
Typing Terror Terms

Who knew you could learn so much from Typing Terror?

by oseyeris
What Are Your Humblest Neopets Wishes?

By humble, I mean wishes that don't require a lot of Neopoints to fulfill.

by indulgences
The Oracle's Origins: 10 Warnings for Neopia

To understand her motives, we must understand the Oracle herself. Who is she?

by niddyz
Books from Kreludor! A Guide to Booktastic Books

Your Neopet could be one of Kreludor's finest, but are you up to the challenge?

by nighters
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"A Bruce with a Contract" by sirr1ch1
The Bruce sat in the darkest corner, of the darkest inn Mystery Island had to offer. The air was stifling. Being a Bruce, he was more suited for the cooler climate of Terror Mountain, but he always went to wherever his contracts sent him. The door to the inn opened, letting in a slight breeze...

Other Stories


A Bruce with a Contract
The Bruce sat in the darkest corner, of the darkest inn Mystery Island had to offer. The air was stifling. Being a Bruce, he was more suited for the cooler climate of Terror Mountain, but he always went to wherever his contracts sent him.

by sirr1ch1


Magic is a Dangerous Business
The thing about magic is that, when things go wrong, there are disastrous consequences.

by almedha


The Keepers: Part Four
The lake was sparkling under the moonlight. He had to admit, he felt pretty guilty. To his luck, there had been no need to deceive his uncle...

by kandeegrrl


The Return: Part Two
"You didn't write," Celeriac said bluntly. "We thought you were dead until we read otherwise in the Times."

by herdygerdy


Unexpected Abilities
While the battle for the Obelisk is raging...

by liouchan


Not So Important Nesters
Time to be harvested.

by muzikbox

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