Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 190,173,383 Issue: 570 | 9th day of Storing, Y14
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3 – 2 – 1 – Bounce! A Hasee Bounce Guide

Learn how to better understand Hasee Bounce with this simple guide.

by qelato
Wings, Wings and Even More Wings

Did your Pet ever desire to fly?

Also by hufflepuff

by 1engel

Hannah and the Kreludor Caves - Trophy Guide

This guide will help you learn the techniques required in order to earn a trophy in Hannah and the Kreludor Caves.

by jesseduhlonghorn
5 Things Not To Do On The TP

The biggest blocks to getting things traded on the TP.

by oqitsoq
When Your Pet Is Sick: A Guide For Owners

Maybe your Blumaroo is covered in itchy red lumps, or maybe your precious Draik is scared to leave the house. Whatever the case, there is a way to cure their disease.

by celestialguineapig
Top 10 Ideas for New Battledome Challengers

One has to wonder what kind of changes the new BD will bring with it. If you're anything like us, you're probably hoping for a few new challengers to bash around.

Also by evilone712_27

by mercy_angel

So - You Want To Start A Shop?

Shopkeeping is probably the most challenging thing you could choose to try here, the area with the most competition and the most work required to get to the top of your field. But, it may just be the best as well.

by waspgirl6
Ghost Bopper – the Trophy Guide

Ghost Bopper is one of my favourite games, but it is also under-played and hence would make for an easy trophy to achieve on reset day.

by flotsam_freako_8254
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"Oops!" by comicsgirl
She had been asked what kind of a petpet she wanted. Being a Grundo she thought deeply about her home on the Space Station. "I want a robot petpet," she replied. Comicsgirl had been gone all morning and Waraqa began to feel somewhat impatient...

Other Stories


I am NOT a Jetsam!
Maraquan Grarrls and Jetsams are often confused, but Grumpy just won't stand for this!

by beautyfairy5555


Beauty is a Fickle Thing
It was an uncharacteristically lovely day in the Haunted Woods—as lovely as any day in the Haunted Woods could be, anyway...

by tranqz


Keep Smiling: Part Six
Eventually, Dimitri caught sight of the two Buzzes and was given a short jolt at their appearance. "What are you guys doing here?" His astonishment started to turn into worry. "Did something happen?"

by blueys45


The Golden Elephante: Part Four
"How can you even see them in this darkness?" Souvier muttered, squinting at the spires of stone around them.

"I didn't, it's the one thousand year old spirit that follows me everywhere," she said, flashing her teeth at him.

by rachelindea


2 - Dinner Discombobulation
Curse ye, ye spoony Krawk!

by supercheezee


What Could Possibly Go Wrong
That's weirdly convenient!

by lilkittie080

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