Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 188,147,882 Issue: 531 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y14
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A Guide to Time Tunnel: One Code at a Time

Welcome to the Time Tunnel! Gorix is looking for a way in and you need to help because what's inside may be the key to saving the Neoverse from Sloth's evil reign!

by faeriequeenoffire
The Best Snowball to Throw at Your Neofriends *SPLAT*

Before the snow melts and the hot chocolate is replaced with iced tea, why not invite your neighbor to a fun-filled evening of snowball fights?

by kspare2
A Mystery Island Getaway Vacation – Part II

Today is a day of explorations! But before you head out for the day, you need to get your energy levels high and Jhuidah the Island Faerie has just the thing.

by vanilla_paw
Eight Tips for Getting Published in the NT

Whether you just want a shiny trophy, bragging rights or that prestigious avatar, you can follow my tips to better prepare yourself to be published!

by littlebitlux
Being Stylishly Evil: Customizing Darigan Pets

Whoever knew customizing Darigan pets could be so easy?

by parody_ham
Jhudora Day: Ten of Her Most Favorite Wicked Items

Here are some lovely evil items that Neopians can play around with inspired by Jhudora herself.

Also by skyerandom301

by lute248

How To Celebrate Jhudora Day the Jhudora Way!

The best possible day planning tips to live your Jhudora Day to the fullest, in such a way that even Jhudora herself will gladly approve of!

by sychologist
Infamous Jhudora

I have broken this article down into fun facts and frightening facts, for your amusement, of course. :D

by pinkpaint
Five Reasons Why Villains Live To Plot Evil

Villains. A good plot can't be without them.

by cherishtwilight
Evil?? OH YEAH!!

So why is she considered so evil? What makes her any more vile than any of the other faeries?

Also by gwendarwen

by klutzygirl1

The Voice of Neopia: A Jhudora Day Special

And here we have an interview with the unappreciated dark faerie, Jhudora!

by cardsperson_ii
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"Ghost Trouble" by hellehond
Let's face it, she should just have been more observant... Helle blinked as the shiny coins she had been holding were whisked away by a translucent hand and looked up where she met the two dark wisps of eyes filled with malicious mirth belonging to the ghost that had just robbed her...

Other Stories


Secrets of the Faeries: Jhudora
The grass crunched beneath Jhudora's feet as she began to walk through the forest behind her bluff. She had been coming here for a very long time...

by futurevetpet


The Infamous Shadow Usul
"I'm Agent Tiff from the Defenders HQ," Tiff said, irritated that he would question her presence.

by deniscodisco


Jhudora's Revenge: Part One
"Jhudora, hurry up! You don't want to be late!" my mother called out from the hallway.

"I'll be right down, Mom!" I replied with great excitement. "I'm putting out some petpet treats for Barty!"

by carrot_cake116


When Neopia Turns Evil: Part Six
"Spike! Kroost! Darlings! Welcome to Altador!" announced the Darkest Faerie.

by hannahcreep


Greatest Neopian Secrets Revealed! #1
So you thought Balthazar ATE Samrin's petpets...

Idea by the_princess_z

by annrawr


I'll Just Stay Here, Then
Sometimes Yuma just gets in the way.

by milleniumdodo

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