Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 185,826,977 Issue: 501 | 1st day of Swimming, Y13
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The Next Moehawk: Your Neopian Rock Band

A few things you need before you start your Neopian rock band.

by mheetu
Glitter Fashions

Glitter is back in FASHION! Woohoo!

by robin_y2k1
Grarrl Keno - How to Play Like a Pro

Grarrl Keno is a game most people play only for the avatar and then forget about, which is a shame...

by htamale
In-Depth Training Made Easy

You can train your beloved pet to the heights you always dreamt of.

by heart_of_sword_
Neoquest II - Haunted Woods Tips for InSaNe!

Because those Four Faeries can very well spell D-O-O-M faster than Dr. Sloth.

by nighters
Three Important Lessons I've Learned from a JubJub

I am here to teach you these lessons, so that they may better enrich your life and further your love for JubJubs.

by coco_bella
Feeding Your Neopet Healthfully On A Budget

Never again will your pet have to suffer through another bite of greasy omelette or gorge on overpriced food at Kelp that leaves you penniless.

by skiing_faerie
The Scriblet: Ignored?

Now, you may be asking, "Why haven't I heard about it before?

by lux_aeterna1234
Perfect Plants for Your Neohome Garden

Here is a list of flowers and other plants that would look great in a garden!

by emmabat_3
PPL: The Top Five Under-appreciated Petpets

Is it time *you* adopted a new Petpet?

Additional content from blackfriar

by kadface

TRNN: The Dangerous Result of Slushie Slinging

I'm Amy Acara with a shocking story that comes straight out of the Altador Cup itself.

by berry_blast
How to Really Make Some Noise

Many people shy away from playing it, as it is very complicated and the controls take quite a while to get used to.

by the_creator12345
Mystery Island File #1 - The Underwater Chef

The world of Neopia is filled with wondrous, mysterious lands and recently, we were lucky enough to visit the most mysterious of them all!

by ecilea
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Haunted Woods: InSaNe!

I've told a lot of my Neofriends I had this crazy goal to finish NeoQuest II on InSaNe difficulty (or more lovingly known to me as NQ2 Insane) in less than two weeks, right before summer break began. I'm a week and a half in and I'm on my way to King Terask while my heart beats like crazy during every monster encounter. Today, I'm going to share some of my tips that I've been using, mainly because many people are most afraid to fight the Four Faeries while they only took me probably fifteen minutes on Insane. And since then...

Other Stories


Innocent Eyes
It was technically his first time ever actually staying in the pound. The grey Lupe had been traded from one owner to the next countless times throughout his life.

by allison_kitty11


It's a Sunny Side Up Day
"Oh my, you know it's a wonderful day when the flowers smell just like breakfast."

by alt1981black


From Mud to Royalty: Part One
It was surprising to think that all these festivities were just for me, but I guess most Kikos couldn't remember the last time a Kiko left Kiko Lake.

by thesundims


The Last Days of the Citadel: Part Five
Narissa realised Clivia was climbing to the top of the High Tower. Her breath stopped for a single second when she realised what Clivia was planning to do.

by phoenixs_angel


Spotting a Mystery - Part 07
Who is it!?

by lovisa966


The Way The Cookie Crumbles
I shall ask Kauvara...

by wokitana

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