Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 185,375,380 Issue: 494 | 13th day of Hunting, Y13
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Altador Cup VI: The Team Files Part 3

In this edition, I'll be going through four more teams in the run up to the long awaited annual competition...

by zinkidy_dink
Tyrammet: A Study in Happiness

Tyrammet celebrates the Monoceraptor's downfall.

But, still, that happened in 2001. Tyrammet is still partying it up. Why?

by kelly947

Donations and Poverty: Why?

"Donations are honest, noble and selfless!" Right?

by ingina3
Mutant Reviews II

There are, of course, many more mutant monstrosities in the Neopets universe...

by scythemantis
Better Sleep 101

I will have you drooling on your pillow in no time!

by ellen1117
10 Usukis Your Evil Pet Will Hate!

Do not under any circumstances give these to your evil or spooky pets!

by mskitty95045
Informed Sandwich Consumption 101

The issue of informed sandwich consumption burns so close to my heart that I felt compelled to compile this handy guide to sandwiches in Neopia.

by kangaruth99
An Interview with the Altador Cup Players

Wonder no more!

Also by bolddrake

by chocolate_fudge7

A Mind Bending Countdown!

There's much fun to be had settling down as a group to take on the latest 10,000 piece Lost Desert Sand puzzle (every piece looks the same!).

by schoolwars
Altador Cup VI: A Preliminary Analysis

The great summertime event known as the Altador Cup returns for its sixth annual competition and the teams have been preparing even more heartily than ever.

by niddyz

Tyrannian Victory Day is upon us, and what better way to celebrate than to spend the day getting involved in activities with a Tyrannian theme?

by amitybelle
S.M.E.L.T. Game Guide

For the New Game Sensation that hit Neopia recently, some of us might need a little help figuring out some tips! GL!

by prada_prince
Dress Like a Tyrannian!

What? You have NO outfit planned for Tyrannian Victory Day? Here, take my notes from our shopping trip!

by agedbeauty
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"How Not to Go About Catching a Meepit" by cowdogdusty
He had to catch his prize, his petpet, his Meepit. With a petpet catching net clamped in his beak and some tin cans of petpet food in his backpack, he was ready to go Meepit hunting. He just wished they lived somewhere more welcoming...

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The Tale of Two Rude Roos
These two Roos were in a secret sort of competition, and each was determined to outdo the other Roo.

by alt1981black


How Not to Go About Catching a Meepit
With a petpet catching net clamped in his beak and some tin cans of petpet food in his backpack, he was ready to go Meepit hunting.

by cowdogdusty


The Roomies Ruin: Part One
Jhudora never would admit it out loud, but she was somewhat excited for the Faerie Festival.

by vanessa1357924680


The Remnant: Part Twelve
"Speak now, Mr. Lockwood, and you can save your sister," the faerie said, her unwavering gaze fixed on his.

by jokerhahaazzz


Gone A While...
I have finally returned... but my neopets were here the whole time.

by rubia_flame


Beautiful (on the inside)

by dangercrow

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