teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 181,914,076 Issue: 458 | 27th day of Hiding, Y12
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Old vs New: Which Game is For You? Part IV

This week my pets and I decided to head to Tyrannia...

by lakefox
Spooky Food - Overrated or Underappreciated?

The question remains, though, is spooky food worth the price?

by lilac_springs
All You Need to Know About Korbats

If you're thinking about adopting a creature of the night, you might want to read this article first.

by balletkathy
Kougras & You

Welcome to my guide to Kougras, the best neopet ever!

by rythiel
A Complete Guide to Mutant Graveyard of Doom II

A guide to monsters, mazes, and treats.

by crowthorn
The Invisible Paint Brush - Why It's A Good Thing

The invisible brush is your saviour. Read on, naive, prejudiced, young Neopian.

by deeepbluesea
The Lesser Known Mutant History (Sloth vs. Krawley)

Krawley's role in the history of mutants is not known as clearly as Sloth's, nor is it as understood, yet there is very loose evidence that seems to link the two in the history of Neopia's mutants.

by alt1981black
Magnificent Mutants

It is understandable why some pets and their owners are hesitant about trying out the Mutant colour.

by sporty2443
Mutants Have Feelings Too

It's just... strange to be here. I mean, to be treated like a normal neopet instead of people pretending I don't exist or gawping at me like I've got three heads or something.

by tiptoeboo
The Appeal of Mutations

There is nothing more aesthetically pleasing than Mutant Neopets.

by babeyxx
Back-To-Neoschool Essentials

Here is a list of essential Neoschool items your Neopet won't want to do without.

by jaeistic
Appetizing Mutant Recipes

Ah, the delights of Transmogrification...

Also by akari24

by hidden_0_o

Neopian Trend Watch: Back to School

Remember: Basic White Shirt.

by laurapet131
Not So Different After All: Mutant Equality!

For approximately a decade, Mutants have lived among us and worked hard to become respectable, responsible Neopets, despite their physical deformities.

by catastrofiend
Managing Mutants

Before your pet downs that nasty concoction, you should find out if you and your neopets could manage a mutant.

by neom_777
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"Perfect Horizons" by aurorapearl
No, thank you. I rather like it here. Scenic in a way you can't find in Faerieland, overflowing with star struck tourists. There's a certain peace up here on the mountaintop that I can't exactly describe. Refreshing, almost – no, invigorating. The silence and detached formality of snow-kissed rock stimulate the senses. Here, you breathe untouched nature of a soothing spicy scent. Far more alluring than the flower-sweet perfumes of Faerieland...

Other Stories


Jayjay the Mutant Quiggle
"Hey, three eyes! You're ugly and you look like a monster!"

by calla25


When You're a Bounty Hunter....
...you have to deal with certain things that don't show up on the job description.

by solcana64


Fair Faerie Academy: Alumina the Light Faerie - Part Two
I was finishing my English essay on how I would escape being captured and put in a bottle when Rose came in. Already I knew something was wrong.

by queenmelissa93


The Hero From Meridell: Part Three
Zamrin ducked back around the corner when he saw the space ship. Why were they here?

Also by bestpet21

by seuzy13


Tales of Tails
That Snowager can't be THAT bad...!

by sejjeh_



by poperbabe

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